BLE Mesh Demo Application Setup

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BLE Mesh Demo Application Setup

1,676 次查看
Contributor II

I can see BLE mesh demo application available with the freedom KW41z SDK.I am following steps mentioned in "BLE mesh User guide" and flashed BLE commissioner and device application in two freedom development boards.

I am using two freedom board, one board with BLE commissioner (i.e. Config/Light/Temp client Profile) application and other with BLE device (i.e. Config/Light/Temp Server Profile)

Now my issue is, while sending ttl command from BLE commissioner application I am not getting the response from BLE device side. As mentioned below, I can not see response logs which start with "--> Received TTL status: Node has TTL 4". 


BLE MESH >> ttl set 1 4 

< TTL Set command set to ID 1 >


I can see similar issue reported BLE Mesh on the FRDM-KW41Z does not always deliver but in my case I am not a tall getting response from BLE device application (i.e. Config/Light/Temp Server Profile)


I am using 1_0_2 connectivity software and have not done any changes.

Please, some can guide where I am missing.



3 回复数

1,190 次查看
Contributor III

Hello im_nishith‌ & yuandao

could you tell me which BLE mesh demo, with which designation you are using from the FRDM-KW41Z SDK?

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1,190 次查看
Contributor II

I am able to resolve the issue.The issue was because of NVM.I was trying to update "BD_ADDR_ID" with new value but "BLE Mesh Device application" was reading from NVM always. 

I commented out NVM usage in BLE device application and I can see the response from my updated "BD_ADDR_ID" ID.   

1,190 次查看
Contributor II

Thank you so much, your answer helped me a lot. 

You bravely faced the unknown and tackled the problem, and made effort to pass down your knowledge to your fellow developers, world just become a little better because of you. This is a hero's act, and you are definitely my hero. 

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