Software Licensing Knowledge Base

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Software Licensing Knowledge Base

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So, you are new to CodeWarrior and don't know how to register the Development Suite you got? It is not complicated at all, I'll explain briefly   There is no need of extra information or documents you must keep handy, only the stuff you are already familiar with like your account username and password, the CodeWarrior suite you acquired and the product ID that can be found (physically) on a sticker at the back of the product or (digitally) in the "View my Orders" section of your home page.   The next steps are basically following the lead in the registration process thru the webpage, providing the information of the product and submiting the request.   There is also a part of the process in which you must enter the information in the cmd, but don't panic! It's just matter of locating and synchroinizing files so you don't have any complication when using the IDE.   This video here can show you complete details and guide you step by step with the registration process   This document was generated from the following discussion: HOW TO register CodeWarrior? ~
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