1. Download service manager.
- License Manger for Windows
- Installation Guide
2. License Manger update
- If your license manager have the following view, an update is needed.
- Updated License Manager view
In the previous links the updated License Manager can be downloaded.
3. Open LM Tools / Go to Config Services tab 
- Service Name: Please type a new service name.
- Service Name: Please type a new service name.
- Path to the license: select the location of the license file.
- Path to log file: create a file to save the log file from server.
- Uncheck Start Server at power-up.
- Check Use Service.
4. Open Start/Stop/Reread tab
- Select the new created service and click on reread License file.
- Check on the license status on the low left side of the windows. License read successfully is expected.

5. License path information
- Review the license.dat file in in the installation path location. Make sure you have the same copy that holds the server, so the serve information referenced in license.dat file can be the same.
- Classic CodeWarrior IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software
- (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\Code Warrior for XYZ\).
- Eclipse IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software
- (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\CW XYZ v10.x\XZY\license.dat).
- CodeWarrior for Networking
- C:\Freescale\CW4NET_v2018.01\Common
6. How to set an environment variable 
- Go to System within control panel.
- Click on advanced system settings.
- Go to Environment Variables.
- Look for METROWKS_LICENSE_FILE – if there is no variable please click on add.
- Assign value to for client
- Classic CodeWarrior IDE, save the license.dat file in the directory where you installed the software (usually C:\Program Files\NXP\Code Warrior for XYZ\).
- Close and test