Source code for MMA955XL, Sensor tool box, MPR121 Touch sensor,MMA845XQ accelerometer,MPL115A pressure sensor

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Source code for MMA955XL, Sensor tool box, MPR121 Touch sensor,MMA845XQ accelerometer,MPL115A pressure sensor

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Contributor III


Can anyone provide source code for KITSTARTER2EVM: Sensor Toolbox Starter Kit. i.e for accelerometer, pressure sensor, proximity sensor and KITMMA9550LEVM motion sensing flatform.

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Contributor I


I insert MMA8653FC module at first time and start SensorToolbox. Program download firmware and i see MMA8653FC text on MMA845x Demos Launcher form. But after i insert MMA8652FC module - program still display MMA8653FC.

How can i reset MMA865X to initial state (bootloader mode) ?

(i try send " z" but no " Z" response)

2. Where i can download schematic for MMA865X and for MMA865xFC modules ?

Thanks in advance

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Mitek,

Attached you can find the LFSTBEB865x schematic.

Regarding your first question, it is being solved in another thread here, please continue there.



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


The original Sensor Toolbox MCU firmware is not available.

However, we do have the TWR-SENSOR-PAK with several sensor plug-in modules.

In the attached TWR-SENSOR-PAK firmware you can find source codes for the MMA8451Q, MPL115A2 and MPR121.



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Contributor I

Hi Tomas, I'm also using the Sensor Toolbox Starter Kit.  My question is probably what Chethan was asking.  Is there any sample code for accessing the MMA845xQ accelerometers etc. from a PC?

The toolbox is useful for capturing some data from the devices.  However, I want to be able to access the devices from my own application running on a PC.  This means I need to know how to talk to the development kit over the USB link.

(For example, other companies supply development kits that provide similar pre-built applications for capturing data (which the Sensor Toolbox provides) but these also contain a Software Development Kit which provide the source code for example applications so that users can incorporate the device in their own applications.)

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi John,

To access the MMA845xQ accelerometers from your own application, you can use the attached MMA845x driver program (AN4076SW). It provides an easy way to communicate with the MMA845xQ accelerometers using the Sensor Toolbox platform. Once the Sensor Toolbox is programmed with this firmware, you can modify and read registers, view details of the operating mode of the MMA845xQ, stream data in data polling, interrupt, interrupt with FIFO modes and display data in different formats using a generic terminal program such as HyperTerminal. It is also possible to develop your own application e.g. in LabVIEW as you communicate with the board via a virtual serial port over USB using the commands that are listed in the AN4083, table 33. This AN also provides instructions how to program the MC9S08QE8 MCU on the Sensor Toolbox middle board.

There are similar driver programs available also for the MMA865xQ, MMA8491Q, MPL3115A2 and FXOS8700CQ.



2,692 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Thomas

I'm trying to link to the MMA845XQ in the STB. I've opened your link for the MMA845XQ driver which is a pdf app note. Downloaded code warrior as it says but cannot find link to the actual driver and code. Am I missing something.

The note also says that after installing the driver the STB will not recognise the board. After I've done my tests haw do I put the board back to it's original state.

Many thanks in advance


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Ed,

1. You can download the MMA845x driver program by clicking on the attachment in my previous response to John White.  How to re-program the Sensor Toolbox board with this driver program and communicate with it using the HyperTerminal is described in the attached file (How to program the Sensor Toolbox board with the Command Line Interface driver.docx).

2. To reload the original firmware, please refer to another attached file (How to load a .S19 file into the Sensor Toolbox board.docx).

I hope this helps.



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2,692 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Tomas.  Thanks for your quick response.  (My response is delayed since there was a long weekend here in the UK.)  My manager has been in contact with Freescale technical support and I have access to the protocol used by the Sensor Toolbox (STB) kit.  Since this alternative method allows me to revert back to using the STB applications without having to reprogram the card, I'll investigate this option first since I would like to experiment and understand how changing register settings affects the output.

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