FXLS8967AF - read FIFO?

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FXLS8967AF - read FIFO?

636 次查看
Contributor III

I don't find the datasheet at all clear on how to read out the values from the FIFO.

Is it necessary to repeatedly read the individual triplets


for each triplet
   sensor_comm_read( handle, FXLS896xAF_BUF_X_LSB, 6, data );



Or will a single burst read get all the triplets


sensor_comm_read( handle, FXLS896xAF_BUF_X_LSB, number_of_triplets*6, data );



ie, does the auto-increment loop-back from BUF_Z_MSB to BUF_X_LSB so long as there is more data in the FIFO?

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7 回复数

620 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello andrewneil,

I hope all is great with you. Thank you for using the NXP communities.

The byte order of the output data is programmable via SENS_CONFIG2[LE_BE], and defaults to little-endian mode.

If SENS_CONFIG2[F_READ] = 1, the auto increment mechanism skips over the MSB registers. This operation shortens the output data size from 6 bytes to 3 bytes per XYZ sample.

I do recommend downloading the driver example from the link below and using it as a reference for your design.

Sensor Drivers for NXP Sensors



I hope this information helps.



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608 次查看
Contributor III

I'm sorry, that doesn't answer the question at all.

The question is, to read the entire FIFO:

  1. can I read the entire FIFO with a single burst read, or
  2. must I do multiple burst reads - one for each (X,Y,Z) triplet ?

In other words, what happens in a burst read after reading BUF_Z_MSB (0x11):

  • does it "loop-back" to BUF_X_LSB (0x0C), or
  • does it carry on to PROD_REV (0x12) ?

I have downloaded the drivers - they do not illustrate this.

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577 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello andrewneil,

Please accept my apologies for the misunderstanding.

You are correct, should perform multiple burst reading procedures to read the entire buffer.  



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538 次查看
Contributor III

@diazmarin09 - should perform multiple burst reading procedures


As already noted, that Table 20 in the datasheet is very confusing:


But I think I've now managed to figure it out:



So a Normal (F_READ=0) burst read of 13 bytes starting at 0x0B should get:

  1. BUF_STATUS (0Bh)
  2. BUF_X_LSB  (0Ch)
  3. BUF_X_MSB  (0Dh)
  4. BUF_Y_LSB  (0Eh)
  5. BUF_Y_MSB  (0Fh)
  6. BUF_Z_LSB  (10h)
  7. BUF_Z_MSB  (11h)
  8. BUF_X_LSB  (0Ch)
  9. BUF_X_MSB  (0Dh)
  10. BUF_Y_LSB  (0Eh)
  11. BUF_Y_MSB  (0Fh)
  12. BUF_Z_LSB  (10h)
  13. BUF_Z_MSB  (11h)

Yes ?

Or have I still not understood Table 20 ?


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528 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello andrewneil,

I know that Table 20 is indeed confusing, but your understanding is correct. I mean, that is the expected registers sequence with the auto-increment feature and F_READ=0.



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524 次查看
Contributor III


So it should require just one burst to read the entire FIFO?

BUF_STATUS[BUF_CNT]  indicates the number of triplets required, so the total burst length required would be six times the BUF_STATUS[BUF_CNT] value ?

I know that Table 20 is indeed confusing

It certainly is!

I will update the other thread on that topic:



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513 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hello andrewneil,

BUF_STATUS[BUF_CNT]  indicates the number of triplets required, so the total burst length required would be six times the BUF_STATUS[BUF_CNT] value?

You are correct, my apologies for the confusion. I do appreciate your efforts. 

