MPL3115 Getting Started Guide Using i.MXRT1020 and FRDMSTBC-P3115

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MPL3115 Getting Started Guide Using i.MXRT1020 and FRDMSTBC-P3115

MPL3115 Getting Started Guide Using i.MXRT1020 and FRDMSTBC-P3115



Getting Started guide for MPL3115 using i.MXRT1020 EVK and FRDMSTBC-P3115. This guide help enable you to:

  • Get familiarity with NXP’s sensor toolbox ecosystem: a complete ecosystem for product development with NXP’s motion and pressure sensors targeted toward IoT, Industrial, Medical applications.

  • Try hands-on IoT (Industrial/medical) sensor applications using NXP’s IoT sensors and IoT Sensing SDK framework (ISSDK, available as middleware component in MCUXpresso SDK).

  • Leverage FRDMSTBC-P3115 sensor development board with i.MXRT1020 EVK to create and run example sensor applications for:

    • NXP’s absolute pressure sensor MPL3115A2 designed for industrial applications.



This Getting Started guide assumes following prior prerequisites actions to be completed:

  • Availability of Windows 10 development PC.

  • Availability of MIMXRT1020-EVK evaluation kit with Arduino I/O headers populated

  • Availability of FRDMSTBC-P3115 sensor development boards.

  • NXP’s MCUXpresso IDE v11.3.0 in installed on the development PC.

  • mbed windows serial drivers are installed on development PC.

  •  MIMXRT1020-EVK evaluation kit is pre-programmed with the latest OpenSDA bootloader and firmware application.

  • Generate and download EVK-MIMXRT1020 SDK package from web based MCUXpresso SDK builder.

  • Any serial terminal application (e.g. RealTerm) is installed on the training PC to view sensor output of ISSDK example applications.


Introduction to Sensors Developers Ecosystem:

Sensor Development Toolbox is the complete ecosystem for product development with NXP’s motion and pressure sensors targeted toward IoT, Industrial, Medical applications. It encompasses a wide spectrum of sensor evaluation hardware and software tools making our sensors easy to use.

Sensor Evaluation Boards

Sensor evaluation boards provide a wide spectrum of enablement hardware for quick sensor evaluation and development. It includes a demonstration kit, shield development board and breakout board for motion and pressure sensors targeted toward IoT, Industrial, Medical applications.

IoT Sensing SDK

The IoT Sensing Software Development Kit (ISSDK) is the embedded software framework for the Sensor Toolbox ecosystem enabling NXP's digital and analog sensors platforms for IoT applications. Following are key features and benefits provided by ISSDK framework:

  • ISSDK provides a unified set of sensor support models that target NXP’s portfolio of sensors across a broad range of NXP’s Arm® Cortex®-M core-based microcontrollers including NXP’s LPC, Kinetis and i.MX RT crossover platforms.
  • ISSDK leverages latest version of MCUXpresso SDK (Kinetis, LPC and i.MX SDK) drivers and release infrastructure through MCUXpresso web.
  • ISSDK combines a set of robust sensor drivers and algorithms along with out-of-box example applications to allow users to get started with using NXP sensors.
  • Enables easy porting across broad range of NXP’s Arm Cortex M based Microcontrollers by using Arm CMSIS Driver APIs.
  • Provides NXP’s sensor register definitions, register access interfaces and sensor level multiple register read/write interfaces.

For more information on list of ISSDK supported sensors and development kits, refer to ISSDK Release Notes.

Executing out-of-box MPL3115 examples:

The out-of-box sensors (MPL3115) example projects ("") are made available through this sensor knowledge base community page. These example projects are based on ISSDK framework using MPL3115 sensor drivers. Please refer to next sections on steps to run these out-of-box examples on MIMXRT1020-EVK attached with FRDMSTBC-P3115 sensor development board.

Refer to attached "NXP_Hackathon_Sensors_GS_MPL3115.pdf" section#4, to execute out-of-box MPL3115 sensor examples using i.MXRT1020 EVK and FRDMSTBC-P3115 sensor development board.

License and Copyright Information:

Note: Please refer to the SW-Content-Register.txt file to get more details on the example project SW package components and applicable licenses. The example project sources are released under "LA_OPT_NXP_Software_License", users downloading this SW should carefully read the license agreements and comply.

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‎02-25-2021 08:44 AM