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452 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Team,

I tried to run TLSClient example according to the following document.


But I got the next error message.Could you give me some advice on what to do to resolve this? 


My enviroment is 

 SE050:raspi3 + OM-SE050ARD-F
 OpenSSL: v3.0.12
 Plug and Trus Middleware V4.05.00


Error Message is

pi@raspberrypi:~/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts $ python3 --key_type rsa
loading library from path: /home/pi/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/tools/
SE050 Key provisioning script (Rev.0.9).
Executing this script will insert keys in the attached SE050 secure element.
# SUBSYSTEM : se05x
sss :INFO :atr (Len=35)
00 A0 00 00 03 96 04 03 E8 00 FE 02 0B 03 E8 08
01 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 0A 4A 43 4F 50 34 20 41
54 50 4F
sss :WARN :Communication channel is Plain.
sss :WARN :!!!Not recommended for production use.!!!
sss_session_open SUCCESS
sss :WARN :nxEnsure:'ret == SM_OK' failed. At Line:7837 Function:sss_se05x_TXn
client_key file: /home/pi/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts/../credentials/RSA/tls_client_key.pem
Injecting RSA key pair at key ID: 0x7dccbb30
sss_key_store_context_init SUCCESS
sss_key_store_allocate SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss :WARN :nxEnsure:'ret == SM_OK' failed. At Line:7837 Function:sss_se05x_TXn
sss :ERROR:Couldn't check if object id 0x7DCCBB30 exists
sss_key_object_allocate_handle FAILED
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 365, in <module>
File "", line 339, in main
status = set_rsa_pair(session, RSA_KEYPAIR_INDEX_CLIENT_PRIVATE, client_key)
File "", line 185, in set_rsa_pair
status = set_obj.do_set_rsa_key_pair(keyid, client_key, None)
File "/home/pi/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/pycli/src/sss/", line 278, in do_set_rsa_key_pair
key_type, cypher_type, policy)
File "/home/pi/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/pycli/src/sss/", line 442, in _set_key
File "/home/pi/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/pycli/src/sss/", line 71, in allocate_handle
raise Exception("sss_key_object_allocate_handle %s" % status_to_str(status))
Exception: sss_key_object_allocate_handle FAILED


0 项奖励
1 解答
373 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @A_Nawa ,


Was OM-SE050ARD-F still used in this test? As far as I know, OM-SE050ARD-F doesn't support ECC crypto schemes except ECDSA.


Have a great day,

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- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
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5 回复数
430 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @A_Nawa ,


I noticed you use OM-SE050ARD-F in the test, did you enable platformSCP03 in the authentication type when you build the MW? Please note for SE050F SCP03 is mandatory. Please kindly refer to for details.


Please refer to chapter 5 in for more details.


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

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- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
Please open a new thread and refer to the closed one, if you have a related question at a later point in time.

0 项奖励
422 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Kan_Li, 

Thank you for you  support.

Yes, I use OM-SE050ARD-F with raspi3. I enabled platformSCP03 when I build the MW.

The se05_Minimal command exuecution was success.

pi@raspberrypi:~/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top_build/raspbian_native_se050_t1oi2c/bin $ ./se05x_Minimal
App :INFO :PlugAndTrust_v04.05.00_20231201
App :INFO :Running ./se05x_Minimal
App :INFO :If you want to over-ride the selection, use ENV=EX_SSS_BOOT_SSS_PORT or pass in command line arguments.
App :INFO :Using default PlatfSCP03 keys. You can use keys from file using ENV=EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH
sss :INFO :atr (Len=35)
00 A0 00 00 03 96 04 03 E8 00 FE 02 0B 03 E8 08
01 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 0A 4A 43 4F 50 34 20 41
54 50 4F
App :INFO :mem=29468
App :INFO :se05x_Minimal Example Success !!!...
App :INFO :ex_sss Finished


But I still got the next error when I run the

sss :ERROR:Couldn't check if object id 0x7DCCBB30 exists
sss_key_object_allocate_handle FAILED

0 项奖励
406 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @A_Nawa ,


For python scripts , you have to specify the auth type as well as the platform scp keys. Please kindly refer to the following for details.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts$ python3 --key_type rsa --auth_type PlatformSCP --scpkey ~/simw-top_build/simw-top-eclipse_jrcpv1/bin/se050F_scp_keys.txt
loading library from path: /home/ubuntu/simw-top/tools/
SE050 Key provisioning script (Rev.0.9).
Executing this script will insert keys in the attached SE050 secure element.
# SUBSYSTEM : se05x
sss_key_store_context_init SUCCESS
sss_key_store_allocate SUCCESS
sss :INFO :atr (Len=35)
00 A0 00 00 03 96 04 03 E8 00 FE 02 0B 03 E8 08
01 00 00 00 00 64 00 00 0A 4A 43 4F 50 34 20 41
54 50 4F
sss_session_open SUCCESS
client_key file: /home/ubuntu/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts/../credentials/RSA/tls_client_key.pem
Injecting RSA key pair at key ID: 0x7dccbb30
sss_key_store_context_init SUCCESS
sss_key_store_allocate SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_allocate_handle SUCCESS
sss_key_store_set_key SUCCESS
sss_key_store_save SUCCESS
Successfully Injected RSA key pair.
sss_key_store_context_init SUCCESS
sss_key_store_allocate SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_get_handle SUCCESS
sss_key_store_get_key SUCCESS
Successfully Created reference key.
certificate file: /home/ubuntu/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts/../credentials/RSA/tls_client.cer
Injecting Certificate at key ID: 0x7dccbb31
sss_key_store_context_init SUCCESS
sss_key_store_allocate SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_init SUCCESS
sss_key_object_allocate_handle SUCCESS
sss_key_store_set_key SUCCESS
sss_key_store_save SUCCESS
Successfully Injected Certificate.
Closing port
# #
# Program Completed Successfully #
# #


Hope that helps,


Have a great day,

- If this post answers your question, please click the "Mark Correct" button. Thank you!
- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
Please open a new thread and refer to the closed one, if you have a related question at a later point in time.

0 项奖励
379 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Kan_Li,

The executed successfully with --auth_type PlatformSCP.

Thank you for your support.


Next I try to run the ./ But I got the next error message,

Could you give me some advice on what to do?


pi@raspberrypi:~/Project/nxp/se_mw/simw-top/demos/linux/tls_client/scripts $ ./ EC
Config file is loaded in C example
Connecting to
>> ../build/tlsSe050Client EC ../credentials/prime256v1/tls_rootca.cer nxp:0x7DCCBB10
../build/tlsSe050Client (Rev.0.9.2)
servername:port =
keyType: EC
rootCA: ../credentials/prime256v1/tls_rootca.cer
clientKey: nxp:0x7DCCBB10
wrapConnectToSe: Open connection to secure element. 
App   :INFO :If you want to over-ride the selection, use ENV=EX_SSS_BOOT_SSS_PORT or pass in command line arguments.
App   :INFO :Using default PlatfSCP03 keys. You can use keys from file using ENV=EX_SSS_BOOT_SCP03_PATH
sss   :INFO :atr (Len=35)
      00 A0 00 00    03 96 04 03    E8 00 FE 02    0B 03 E8 08 
      01 00 00 00    00 64 00 00    0A 4A 43 4F    50 34 20 41 
      54 50 4F 
sss   :WARN :nxEnsure:'ret == SM_OK' failed. At Line:7837 Function:sss_se05x_TXn
sss   :WARN :nxEnsure:'status == SM_OK' failed. At Line:4541 Function:sss_se05x_key_store_get_key
Fetching client certificate fails with status code: 0x3c3c0000.
Failed to retrieve client certificate.
******** TLS Client Example (Credentials in Secure Element) = Fail ********
"../build/tlsSe050Client EC ../credentials/prime256v1/tls_rootca.cer nxp:0x7DCCBB10" failed to run successfully, returned 1


0 项奖励
374 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @A_Nawa ,


Was OM-SE050ARD-F still used in this test? As far as I know, OM-SE050ARD-F doesn't support ECC crypto schemes except ECDSA.


Have a great day,

- If this post answers your question, please click the "Mark Correct" button. Thank you!
- We are following threads for 7 weeks after the last post, later replies are ignored
Please open a new thread and refer to the closed one, if you have a related question at a later point in time.

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