when I debug on my specified s32k144 board,I found the board cannot start up normally,and the reset pin is driven low periodically.so I entered the debug mode and found the lockup reset is triggered.In addition,the frame error is always occured in lpuart at first,the status register is show below
I wonder which events can cause a lockup reset,anyone can tell me?
Please refer to Cortex -M4 Devices Generic User Guide
"The processor enters a lockup state if a fault occurs when executing the NMI or HardFault handlers."
So it could be because a fault exception is detected but the fault execption handler is not implemented.
Do you have HardFault handler in the source code?
BR, Daniel
Thanks your reply!
Hardfault handler and NMI handler is set as DefaultISR which had been implemented by MCU vendor.In addition,I found that everything works well if I insert a delay after the lpuart initialization.can you please explain why cause such this condition?
Which SDK / S32DS version do you use?
What is mask of the MCU? 0N77P, 0N47T, 0N57U.
It is printed on the package.
Can you share the project?
BR, Daniel