What the relationship between message buffer and RX Fifo in FlexCAN of s32k144?

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What the relationship between message buffer and RX Fifo in FlexCAN of s32k144?

Contributor III

What the relationship between message buffer and RX Fifo in FlexCAN of s32k144?

If i want recieve can data with filter(specified id recieved) in can interrupr, which one shall configed?

Is there any example about config can interrupt recieving?

Any reply with my thanksfull.

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


the MB can be configured for both receive or transmit operation, supporting both the classical CAN and CAN FD frames. RXFIFO is capable to receive only classical CAN frames and has storage capacity for up to six frames. DMA can be used to read messages from RXFIFO. The RXFIFO should not be used when CAN FD feature is enabled. Once RXFIFO is enabled, it uses memory area that is normally occupied by MBs. The number of "unavailable" MBs depends on RXFIFO ID filter table length. I suggest to read chapters 53.4.3 - 53.4.6 of the device RM to fully understand the MB and RXFIFO structure.

See attached main.c I modified to add RX interrupt to the FlexCAN_S32K144 demo example available in the S32 Design Studio. This example is using dedicated MB for message receiving.



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