S32K3x PWM MCAL module generation

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S32K3x PWM MCAL module generation

Contributor I

Hi all,

I downloaded from the NXP portal the following MCAL (RTD Drivers): SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_P05, to be used with EBTresos, but I have some issues in configuration of the Pwm module.

More specifically, I am trying to configure the Pwm module for the S32K312 platform.
I completed the configuration in EBTresos without errors, but when I try to generate the configuration, the following error message appears:

Parsing file "C:\EB\nxptresos\..\..\NXP\MCAL_S32K312\SW32K3_S32M27x_RTD_R21-11_4.0.0_P05\eclipse\plugins\Pwm_TS_T40D34M40I0R0/generate_PB/Etpu_Pwm_Ip_RegOperations.m (signed)", line "133"
The XPath-expression "ecu:get('Etpu.SDMAddressStart')" caused an error: (35010) The requested ECU resource property "Etpu.SDMAddressStart" does not exist


From my understanding, during the generation of the Pwm source files, the Etpu_Pwm_Ip_RegOperations.m script tries to locate the property Etpu.SDMAddressStart from the platform-specific .properties file located in the Resource module (in my case CORTEXM_S32K3XX_s32k312_hdqfp100.properties); anyway in this file this property is not set (I suppose because the Etpu is not available in the S32K312) and this prevents me from generating the Pwm module.

I also tried to generate the Pwm configuration examples which are bundled with the RTD drivers but the same error occurs.
Could you please explain how can I solve this issue? 

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2 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi strofald,

Sorry for the last checking, maybe I got few missing points.

After checking again, this one is a bug from P05, when PWM_ETPU should not be applied for derivatives other than K396.

A ticket report in P05 release: [ARTD-115962] Errors of missing Etpu resources when generate example of PWM - NXP JIRA.

Please be aware that P05 is a release for only K396.

Also, release P12 got same issue. This actually an issue from the release, when the P12 supposes to based on RTM 4.0.0, but due to P12 is based on P05 so the same issue of generate code happened. 

Another ticket report in P12 release: [ARTD-115533] [PWM][ETPU] Resource for driver is unavailable - NXP JIRA

And release P19 for fixing this generate code errors.

Next release P14 (28-Mar) for PWM_ETPU of K396, i heard that the generate code passed for all derivatives, but this release also for only K396, and needs to be confirmed through the tickets.

Thank you,


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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi strofald,

I've tried to configure the example PWM for S32K312 hdqfp100 and complete generate code.

Please help me to check the example below.

Password: NXP

About the error when parsing:(35010) The requested ECU resource property "Etpu.SDMAddressStart" does not exist

>> Theoredically it might be a missing resource, but i need to check it directly. So please share your project (that you got parsing errors)

Thank you,



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