S32K344HVS_Oscillator Issue

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S32K344HVS_Oscillator Issue

Contributor I

Dear NXP Tech Support ,

We are Using S32K344 MCU in our Design (Attached Image of the Power Section and Oscillator Section for Reference ), The Crystal is 16MHz and Part Number : LFXTAL071255 and Load Capacitor is 10pF as suggested by Crystal Datasheet and S32K3X4EVB-T172 reference design 

the Input Voltage Provide is MCU is as Below 

VDD_HV_A--> 5V(from Buck 5V_500mA)

VDD_HV_B-->5V (from Buck 5V_500mA)

VREFH--> 5V (from Buck 5V_500mA)

V15-->1.5V(External Source)

we are observing Internally  generated Voltage 

V11--->1.14V and V25-->2.5V

We are not observing any Oscillations in the Pin 23 and Pin 25 or in crystal , kindly lets us know what would be the reason and is there any other Requirement to generate the oscillation ?





Thanks in Advance 

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3 Replies

Contributor I

Hi Robin,

Thanks for Responding.

We are using S32K344, But I believe difference Between S32K314 and SK344 is the Features (Ethernet) and Core Platform, rest all Remain would remain the Same and package too.

Is there any RTD Examples to check external Crystal oscillator in MBDT.

Thanks in advance




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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Your FAE mentioned to me chapter 3.3 Pinout differences between S32K344-172HDQFP V1.0 and S32K344-172HDQFP V1.1 of S32K3xx - Hardware Design Guidelines -- Rev_D4.pdf.

3.3 Pinout differences between S32K344-172HDQFP V1.0 and S32K344-172HDQFP V1.1.png

If you are using P32K344EHT1VPBST, it is Rev 1.1.
If you are using P32K344EHT0VPBST, it is Rev1.0.
If you are using S32K344 sample, this may also be one of the reasons why the crystal oscillator waveform cannot be measured.

The MBDT is currently supported on the MBDT community only.
The community is monitored daily by our experts on MBDT.
Can you please post the question there?
Thank you for your understanding.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


The schematic shows S32K314, I'm not sure whether you are using S32K344 or S32K314.

If you are using S32K344 with 16MHz crystal, did you try to debug the S32K3 RTD examples? Will you observe the crystal oscillator waveform after downloading the program?

Best Regards,
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