S32K - Zephyr support

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S32K - Zephyr support

3,492 次查看
Contributor III

are you going to support S32K144 in Zephyr RTOS?  Since NXP is also project member ...

There are already some Kinetis devices supported, so may be adding S32K shouldn't be so hard.



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2,985 次查看
Contributor I


Maybe an old thread, but is there any news on the Zephyr support for the S32K1xx series?

Kind Regards


2,956 次查看
Contributor I

@Heiny I raised a support case on this and the response was disappointing. If you are a platinum member of the Zephyr Project, why on earth would you not make sure that your SoC's and devkits are not supported out of the box? It's not that much work.

We have implemented FreeRTOS to the SDK in S32 Design Studio and there are no plans to add Zephyr RTOS. However, I can see that Cortex M4 is supported, so it can be ported to the S32K1.

And my response to that was:

OK, I find this quite surprising since you (NXP) are a Platinum member of the Zephyr project and has already contributed code to support a lot of your other SoC's in Zephyr (iMX, Kinetis and LPC families of chips) as well as board support for many of your development kits for these processors.


I sincerely hope you re-evaluate this and add support for the S32 SoC's as well as the development boards to Zephyr in the future. Zephyr has become a major contender in the RTOS space, and having your hardware supported will only increase the adoption of your products.



3,464 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



I have received information that we are considering porting Zephyr to S32K, but don't have any concrete plans yet. Do you have any specific requirements?


Thank you.

Best regards,


3,459 次查看
Contributor III

I don't have anything specific now, but since I am using it in another projects it would be nice to have. Especially flexcan, SPI and I2C support.


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3,479 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



Let me check this with the responsible team.

I will contact you as soon as I receive any information.


Thank you.

Best regards,


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1,235 次查看
Contributor I

Hi there, lending my voice to ask for Zephyr support in S32. NXP supports Zephyr, why doesn't it support it in it's own IDE?

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3,091 次查看
Contributor I

We are also interested in Zephyr support for the S32K1xx SoCs and Zephyr board support for the devkits @dianabatrlova 

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3,324 次查看
Contributor III

Hi Diana,

S32K support in Zephyr is also interesting for me.  Do you have any news on the NXP plans for this?

Thanks in advance
