Peripherals configuration

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Peripherals configuration

652 次查看
Contributor III

Dear all,

is it possible to create two different configurations for the same peripheral in order to change the configuration in real time?

Thank you for your support.

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641 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pagdav 

The S32 Configuration Tools in S32 Design Studio contains a feature called 'Functional groups'. With this, you can configure several options for functions and code generation. Each setting applies to the selected function. You can specify the generated function name, select the core (for multicore processors only)that is affecting the generated source code, or write a function description (this description is generated in the C file). You can also add, copy, and remove functional groups as needed.

Check the following post. It has information related to the topic that might be useful. 

S32DS parallel Peripheral configuration in one project




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626 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @VaneB,

thanks for your support.

I've created a new Functional Group with a different configuration, as described in your reply. In the new Functional Group I get the following issue on Siul2_Port driver because the name of Pins Functional Group is not equal to the sum of Siul2_Port configuration name and Peripheral Functional Group name:

Issue: Naming of the Functional Group in the Pins Tool should be: PortContainerName_PeripheralFunctionalGroupName.

Do you have an example project?

Best Regards,


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622 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pagdav 

You can find more details about this feature in the S32DS Help -> Help Contents area

Unfortunately, we do not have any examples available where functional groups were used. 

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596 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @VaneB,

in the S32DS Help there aren't enough details to solve my problem.

Best regards,


559 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pagdav 

Could you share all the configurations made? So I can test this from my side.

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522 次查看
Contributor III

Hi @VaneB,

in attachment you can find the configuration file (TestFunctionalGroups.mex).

Toolchain used:

  • IDE: S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform Version 3.5 Build ID 231219 (Update 9)
  • Real-Time Drivers: S32K3XX Real-Time Drivers AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 4.0.0 P01
  • FS26 device Real-Time Drivers: S32K3XX FS26 AUTOSAR R21-11 Version 3.0.0

Best regards,


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481 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @pagdav 

Thank you for sharing your .mex file. Now I understand better the context of your error. 

When you create a new functional group in the peripherals tool, in your case "BOARD_InitPeripherals_2", it is also necessary to create a new functional in the pins tool, which has to be named PortContainerName_PeripheralFunctionalGroupName. If you do not change the Port Container name (PortContainer_0) in the new Functional group, then the new functional group created in the pins tool has to be named "PortContainer_0_BOARD_InitPeripherals_2".

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