Differences of RTD develop package

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Differences of RTD develop package

Contributor I

Hi Team

We would like to start a project on S32K342. However, we used S32K344 to test some demo. We now want to transfer S32K344 to S32K342. Some errors appear. 

The RTD package we use before is "SW32K3_RTD_4.4_1.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2110", There is no S32K342. Then we changed it to "SW32K3_RTD_4.4_2.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2204". When we build the project which is successful on S32K344 with "SW32K3_RTD_4.4_2.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2204" on S32K342, there are a lot of errors. The name of some value changes and some API disappear.

What can I correct them? Or we can not build the project with 2.0.0


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2 Replies

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Hermit,

SW32K3_RTD_4.4_1.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2110 does not support S32K342, if you want to use S32K342 please install SW32K3_RTD_4.4_2.0.0_DS_updatesite_D2204.

The difference between the S32K344 and S32K342 is not just the size of flash memory and RAM. Search for "S32K342" in S32K3XXRM to see all differences. 

Please create new project for S32K342 with RTD2.0.0, import the .mex file and copy the code manually. 

BTW, you can take a look at Low RTD version project immigrating to higher version

Sorry for the inconvenience we bring you!

Best Regards,
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Contributor I

HI Robin

Thank you for your response.

Best regards,


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