C40 Flash driver - Domain ID explanation

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C40 Flash driver - Domain ID explanation

625 次查看
Contributor II

I'm using the C40_Ip_Example_S32K344 to develop Flash operations. I've imported the C40 component (obviously the corresponding generated files) into a custom project and functions for erasing, writing and reading work only with DomainIdValue = 0, because otherwise code keeps looping into the "do-while" attached below, because ActualDomainIDs = 0 and DomainIdValue = 1.

Into C40_Ip_Example_S32K344  code example FLS_MASTER_ID = 0 (then FLS_MASTER_ID  is assigned to DomainIdValue when calling C40 functions).


 * Function Name    C40_Ip_MainInterfaceWriteJobAddress
 * Description      Write the address in the PEADR register
static C40_Ip_StatusType C40_Ip_MainInterfaceWriteJobAddress(uint32 PhysicalAddress,
                                                             uint8 DomainIdValue
    C40_Ip_StatusType ReturnCode = STATUS_C40_IP_SUCCESS;
    uint8 ActualDomainIDs;

    /* Write the address in the PEADR register */
        OsIf_Trusted_Call1param(C40_Ip_MainInterfaceWriteLogicalAddress, PhysicalAddress);

        ActualDomainIDs = (uint8)((C40_Ip_pFlashBaseAddress->MCR & FLASH_MCR_PEID_MASK) >> FLASH_MCR_PEID_SHIFT);

        C40_Ip_u32ElapsedTicks += OsIf_GetElapsed(&C40_Ip_u32CurrentTicks, (OsIf_CounterType)C40_TIMEOUT_TYPE);
        if (C40_Ip_u32ElapsedTicks >= C40_Ip_u32TimeoutTicks)
            /* Errors Timeout because wait for the Done bit long time*/
            ReturnCode = STATUS_C40_IP_ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    while (ActualDomainIDs != DomainIdValue);

    return ReturnCode;


I didn't understand the usage of DomainIdValue input argument: is it the Core number to use for executing the erase/write operation?

In my project, Core 0 is running code (from Flash block 1) and Core 1 is running this functions (from Flash block 1) for erasing a sector into Flash block 2: just to be clear, running C40 functions from Core 1 with DomainIdValue = 0 works, but not with DomainIdValue = 1.


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596 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Drifter22,

You can find the RTD_MEM_43_INFLS User Manual, which describes the AUTOSAR Mem_43_InFls Driver for S32K3XX under the following directory:


Here, you can find the definition for "DomainIdValue: ID for the core that requests sector lock"

Best regards,

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594 次查看
Contributor II

Thanks for the link, the meaning now it's clear.

Regarding my specific project, could you help me to find out why it doesn't work chosing Core 1 to execute operations (link clear lock, erasing sector, etc.)?

I was also wondering why I'm not finding a description of the function C40_Ip_MainInterfaceSectorErase that it's generated with C40 component. Could you help me?

Thank you

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579 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @Drifter22,

The information for C40_Ip_MainInterfaceSectorErase is under chapter from the User Manual.

Let me check with the team for the first question, and I will get back with you as soon as I get an answer.

Best regards,

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