ADC BCTU with PWM trigger using MCAL

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ADC BCTU with PWM trigger using MCAL

518 次查看
Contributor II

I wanna Start ADC conversion with PWM trigger and using BCTU. I use S32K344 board and I know there is a example named Adc_example_S32K344 for MCAL but it's complicated because it uses other configurations that I don't need like DMA. Is there any other example or documentation for this topic.

Thanks for help 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Thank you so much for your interest in our products and for using our community.

There is also the Adc_Sar_Bctu_Ip_example_S32K344 example and in the AN13413 (4.2. Hardware triggers section) there is a brief description of ADC triggered from BCTU.

On the other hand, in MCSPTE1AK344 page there are app notes and sw for motor control that you can take as reference, where analogue data capturing is performed by ADC0, ADC1, BCTU and eMIOS peripherals.

Hope it helps you.

Have a nice day!

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