Example S32K344 FlexCAN_Ip TX/RX/EnhanceRXFIFO test S32DS3.4 RTD200

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Example S32K344 FlexCAN_Ip TX/RX/EnhanceRXFIFO test S32DS3.4 RTD200

Example S32K344 FlexCAN_Ip TX/RX/EnhanceRXFIFO test S32DS3.4 RTD200

The purpose of this demo application is to show you the usage of the FlexCAN module
configured to use CAN FD and Enhance RXFIFO using the S32 RTD API.
- This demo application requires two boards, or single board connected with CAN tool.
- CAN FD is enabled with bitrate 500/2000 kbps
- MB0 is configured to transmit either std. or ext ID
- MB1 is configured to receive ext ID 0xFACE and MB2 to receive std ID 0x1
- Enhanced RXFIFO is enabled and 3 enhanced RXFIFO filter elements (filter + mask scheme) are defined
ext ID 0xABCD with mask 0x1FFFFFFF
std ID 0x123 with mask 0x7FF
std ID 0x456 with mask 0x7FF
- Callback function is used as well to handle TX and RX process in MBs and Enhanced RXFIFO
- setupCanXCVR function can be called if TJA1153 is used on the board.
It expects transceiver in Vanilla state and set TPL to pass all std and ext ID and
do not block any message comming from bus. Finally leaving configuration mode
without writing to non-volatile memory nor locking the transceiver.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test HW: S32K3444EVB-Q172
* Compiler: S32DS.ARM.3.4
* SDK release: SW32K3_RTD_4_4_2_0_0_D2203
* Debugger: Lauterbach
* Target: internal_FLASH


Hi @PetrS,

Thank you for the demo application. Which document of TJA1153 specifies the configuration that you have made in this example program?


I am looking for the document that specifies what this configuration means. I am not sure if I am missing something.

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‎10-12-2022 04:31 AM