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Contributor II

I am using Goldbox-3 - S32G-VNP-RDB3.
I am able to boot up using the provided SD card which contains the pre-loaded Linux BSB image. 



I want to run Ubuntu20.04 on the Goldbox. Can you please advise on the steps involved ? Thanks



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Below will be some comments on regards of your questions:

Q1) What is the difference between image-ubuntu-base, image-ubuntu, and image-ubuntu-ros. 

A1 >> The following is told under the GitHub page (link: GitHub - nxp-auto-linux/auto_yocto_bsp at release/bsp38.0)


fsl-image-ubuntu-base: A system image with a minimalist Ubuntu 20.04 LTS root filesystem

fsl-image-ubuntu: A complete, development-suitable system image based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 
which contains (among others): the complete kernel source code (for rebuilding the kernel directly on the target machine), 
compilers and toolchains (for C, C++, Java), ROS Kinetic and Docker

NOTE: Please build fsl-image-ubuntu-base or fsl-image-ubuntu only for machines with name ending in `ubuntu`.
For the other machines, please use any of the images with Yocto rootfilesystem.


As for the ROS variant, we see no information from our side, we do apologize.

Q2) What version of ROS is installed if I use image-ubuntu-ros

A2 >> We are not seeing this information under the release notes of BSP38.0, we will investigate this. Once we have an update, we will let you know.

Q3) Can we install desktop version of ubuntu on Goldbox?

A3 >> We assume you are talking about the graphical interface, for which the answer should be no, since S32G does not provide any video output. We do apologize.

Q4) The build result /tmp/deploy/images/ contains lots of file. I used the file with extension ".sdcard" to flash on the sd card using a flashing tool like Balena Etcher. What are the other files used for ? Do I need to store the other files in sd card as well ?

A4 >> Each file has its meaning. As for a description for each file, might be difficult to provide. As if additional files are required aside from the *.sdcard file, you should be fine by only using the *.sdcard file, since it contains the required partitions for booting. 

Please, let us know.


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Contributor II


I got the access for BSP 38.0 from my local NXP representative. I am following chapter 3.1.3 BSP Ubuntu Build Page12 of the reference manual. I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

Running the command ./sources/meta-alb/scripts/

gives me error


Can you please advise the steps to build ubuntu image ? Thanks



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


It seems that the related repo was not initialized under your current environment prior to executing the command.

The first steps should be the ones provided under Chapter 3.1.1 Building default Yocto of the BSP38.0 User Manual, then you should be able to proceed with Chapter 3.1.3 BSP Ubuntu Build instructions.

Still, let us know if you have any problems with the provided instructions.

Please, let us know.

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1,490 次查看
Contributor II


I am getting the following error when running the command "repo init -u -b release/bsp38.0"


can you please advise? Thanks.

kind regards,



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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


This seems to be a syntax error due to the python version. Which python version do you have available?

Please, let us know.

0 项奖励
1,481 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel-Aguirre ,

I am using Python 2.7.18. I also have Python 3.8.10 installed. Please let me know which version should I run it with. Thanks


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Thanks for your update. Is your default python version 2.7 or 3.8?

This seems to be a problem with python 2.7. We see the following from our side:


Once we move to python 3.8, we can proceed no problem:


Please, let us know.

0 项奖励
1,470 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel-Aguirre 

Thanks for the quick reply, I got it working by following this workaround(2)

I completed 3.1.1 and moved to 3.1.3
the command "./sources/meta-alb/scripts/"   still gives the same initial error :
"bash: ./sources/meta-alb/scripts/ No such file or directory"

Can you please advise?


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Where are you executing the command? Still under the same directory as before?

The following instruction is provided at the end of Chapter 3.1.1:


For which, the commands shown under Chapter 3.1.3 should be executed inside the fsl-auto-yocto-bsp folder.

Please, let us know.


0 项奖励
1,422 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel-Aguirre 

I got it working. I was able to build and test it on the Goldbox. Thanks. 

I have a couple of follow-up questions:

1) What is the difference between image-ubuntu-base, image-ubuntu, and image-ubuntu-ros. 


2) What version of ROS is installed if I use image-ubuntu-ros

3) Can we install desktop version of ubuntu on Goldbox?

4) The build result /tmp/deploy/images/ contains lots of file. I used the file with extension ".sdcard" to flash on the sd card using a flashing tool like Balena Etcher. What are the other files used for ? Do I need to store the other files in sd card as well ?




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1,417 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Below will be some comments on regards of your questions:

Q1) What is the difference between image-ubuntu-base, image-ubuntu, and image-ubuntu-ros. 

A1 >> The following is told under the GitHub page (link: GitHub - nxp-auto-linux/auto_yocto_bsp at release/bsp38.0)


fsl-image-ubuntu-base: A system image with a minimalist Ubuntu 20.04 LTS root filesystem

fsl-image-ubuntu: A complete, development-suitable system image based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 
which contains (among others): the complete kernel source code (for rebuilding the kernel directly on the target machine), 
compilers and toolchains (for C, C++, Java), ROS Kinetic and Docker

NOTE: Please build fsl-image-ubuntu-base or fsl-image-ubuntu only for machines with name ending in `ubuntu`.
For the other machines, please use any of the images with Yocto rootfilesystem.


As for the ROS variant, we see no information from our side, we do apologize.

Q2) What version of ROS is installed if I use image-ubuntu-ros

A2 >> We are not seeing this information under the release notes of BSP38.0, we will investigate this. Once we have an update, we will let you know.

Q3) Can we install desktop version of ubuntu on Goldbox?

A3 >> We assume you are talking about the graphical interface, for which the answer should be no, since S32G does not provide any video output. We do apologize.

Q4) The build result /tmp/deploy/images/ contains lots of file. I used the file with extension ".sdcard" to flash on the sd card using a flashing tool like Balena Etcher. What are the other files used for ? Do I need to store the other files in sd card as well ?

A4 >> Each file has its meaning. As for a description for each file, might be difficult to provide. As if additional files are required aside from the *.sdcard file, you should be fine by only using the *.sdcard file, since it contains the required partitions for booting. 

Please, let us know.

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1,675 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Which BSP version are you using for your project? Under the respective BSP User Manual for S32G3 platforms a chapter is provided for Ubuntu builds. We will share information for BSP38.0 [Page 12, Linux BSP 38.0 User Manual for S32G3 platforms, 10/2023]:

"In case of building Ubuntu target images, this release includes support for versions 22.04.1 LTS and 20.04.1 LTS."

All steps required to build an Ubuntu image are shared under the referenced document and page. If you do not have access to this specific document, or the version is not the one intended to be used, let us know.

Please, let us know.

0 项奖励
1,671 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel-Aguirre 

I am using the SD card that came with the Goldbox-3. After booting it up command "uname -r" gives me 5.10.41-rt42+g91779bd5e303. I want to install Ubuntu 20 on the Goldbox. Can you please share the link to the reference document and page?
Kind regards,

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


All available BSP version under your account should be available under Flexera/Flexnet. Help us following the below steps to understand if you are able to access the specific BSP version:

- Sign in to your NXP account (link to NXP site: Automotive, IoT & Industrial Solutions | NXP Semiconductors)
- Click on "My NXP Account" (top-right) and click on "Software Licensing and Support" under the "Licensing" section within the window it opens.
- This will redirect you to another page. In this new page, select the option "View Accounts" under the "Software accounts" section.
- This will again redirect you to another page. On this page, you should see an "Automotive SW - S32G - Linux BSP (Cortex-A53)" option, click on it.

In there, you should see all the available BSP versions for your account. If you don't see the specific version you are looking for, help us contacting your local NXP FAE/representative, for them to start the required process to provide the access.

Please, let us know.

0 项奖励
1,503 次查看
Contributor II

Hi @Daniel-Aguirre 

I got the access for BSP 38.0 from my local NXP representative. I am following chapter 3.1.3 BSP Ubuntu Build Page12 of the reference manual. I am using Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

Running the command ./sources/meta-alb/scripts/

gives me error


Can you please advise the steps to build ubuntu image ? Thanks


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