FlexCAN asserts due to FreeRTOS nesting violation

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FlexCAN asserts due to FreeRTOS nesting violation

Contributor III


I have the following setup:

  • S32DS v3.5.12
  • RTD (P03, AR v4.7.0, SW v2.0.0)
  • FreeRTOS 10.5.1 v2.0.0
  • S32K148 MCU

I use a project that depends on the following drivers

  • FlexCAN
  • FreeRTOS
  • BaseNXP (selects OsifFreeRtosType)
  • others (may not be relevant to the potential bug)

When I debug the application I observe that it ends up in an assert statement through the following sequence of function calls:

  1. ISR(CAN0_ORED_0_15_MB_IRQHandler)
    1. RTD/src/FlexCAN_Ip_Irq.c at line 214
  2. FlexCAN_IRQHandler( ... )
    1. RTD/src/FlexCAN_Ip.c at line 2926
  3. FlexCAN_IRQHandlerRxMB
    1. RTD/src/FlexCAN_Ip.c at line 1342
  4. can_RX_TX_callback
    1. custom callback for to handle CAN RX/TX events, located inside the project folder
    2. calls FlexCAN_Ip_Receive
  5. FlexCAN_Ip_Receive
    1. RTD/src/FlexCAN_Ip.c at line 2046
  6. FlexCAN_SetMsgBuffIntCmd
    1. RTD/src/FlexCAN_Ip_HwAccess.c at line 1053
    1. RTD/src/SchM_Can_43_FLEXCAN.c at line 1125
  8. OsIf_SuspendAllInterrupts
    1. RTD/include/OsIf_Internal.h at line 274
  9. SuspendAllInterrupts
    1. RTD/include/OsIf_Internal.h at line 247
    1. FreeRTOS/Source/Include/task.h at line 210
    1. FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h at line 105
  12. vPortEnterCritical
    1. FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F/port.c at line 425
    2. configASSERT

See also the debug session call sequence





Now I found a similar ticket where one NXP tech-support employee labels this issue as a bug, which may be resolved in a future RTD package release.

To be sure, can you

  1. confirm that this is a bug in the RTD driver
  2. present a workaround
    1. I have tried to replace the portENTER_CRITICAL call by portENTER_CRITICAL_FROM_ISR (same for the EXIT version) in the local RTD folder in the header file Osif_Internal.h and in the RTD installation folder (S32DS.3.5\S32DS\software\PlatformSDK_S32K1_S32M24\RTD\BaseNXP_TS_T40D2M20I0R0\include\Osif_Internal.h)
      But then I get another build error (Description Resource Path Location Type
      too few arguments to function 'vPortSetBASEPRI' portmacro.h /__FreeRTOS_Toggle_Led_Example_S32K148__/FreeRTOS/Source/portable/GCC/ARM_CM4F line 102 C/C++ Problem)
  3. point out if this is resolved by the RTD P04 package or when you plan to release package which fixes this isse


Best regards,



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