Slow build time with S32DS for ARM V2.0

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Slow build time with S32DS for ARM V2.0

2,057 次查看
Contributor I

I just installed the new S32DS for ARM 2.0 and updated to 2.1, but I horribly noticed that building a project became really slow when compared to 1.3 version.
New version is about 10 times slower than the previous one.
I verified this by compiling the same example hello project in both environments (the project was created in 1.3 version and then copied in the 2.0 workspace folder).
I currently have both installed in my pc, and the only addition I made to the clean install was the subversive SVN plugin.
Has anyone experienced the same issue?

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1,564 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Kate,

S32DS build time has no dependency on network. Perhaps the customer has some network services running which causes an additional build time delays.

What is the time difference between S32DS ARM v2.0 vs.1.3 they observe on their machine?

Regarding SVN plugin: it's not part of the default installation and needs to be added via  "Install New Software" Eclipse Updater:


Hope it helps.


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1,563 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Riccardo,

Thanks for the feedback.

I've just made a quick comparison  v1.3 vs. v2.0 + Update 1 and S32DS ARM v2.0 build time is faster so I see completely opposite results:

Hello Example:


FlexCAN encrypted SDK example:


Actually the build speed comparison is part of our test suite before release. 

I'll check with SVN plugin - is it installed on both versions?



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1,563 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Stanislav, 

Customer reported same as the above question, slow building time of S32 DS v2.0 comparing to v1.3. 

When they tried to build with network connection, it was too slow, but it gets faster without network connection. Is there any relation to building? Also could you guide about how to check the SVN plugin?

Best regards,

Kate Lee

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1,563 次查看
Contributor I

Hello Stan,

Yes, I installed it on both versions.

Good news however, I don't know what happened from last time (except for a weekend :smileyhappy:), but today the issue has disappeared. Now I too get slightly faster compilation times than the older version.

Thank you,


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