Jump to Array pointer

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Jump to Array pointer

577 次查看
Contributor III

Hi NXP team,

We are using S32K1XX controller in our project.

I have placed the application hex values in array and located the array at the XYZ segment area.

I have checked in map file and memory window, array is located at the XYZ segment .

__attribute__((section (".XYZ_codearea"))) T_U8 EraseArr[12] =




typedef void (*BL_pfvJumpAddress_t)(void);

Jump function :

void BL_BLC_JumpToApp( T_U32 *pu32JumpAddress )


BL_pfvJumpAddress_t pfvJumpAddress;

/* Assign address to pseudo function. */

pfvJumpAddress = (BL_pfvJumpAddress_t)(pu32JumpAddress);




calling the function :

EraseRoutineFlashPtr = EraseArr;//0x20000541;

BL_BLC_JumpToApp ((T_U32)EraseRoutineFlashPtr);

but it is going default ISR.

please let me know what is the problem ?



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465 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee


Actually the jump address should have  LSB bit  (bit 0) set to 1. This indicates that a thumb instruction will be executed after branch. You can e.g. try this:

pfvJumpAddress = (BL_pfvJumpAddress_t)(pu32JumpAddress + 1);‍   // Set LSB bit = Thumb instruction

I also assume that routine "EraseArr" represented here as an array of opcodes needs some arguments/registers to be passed. E.g. address of flash to be erased or a counter...

Therefore before branching to EraseArr please make sure the appropriate GPR core registers/function parameters are initialized correctly.

Otherwise it may end up with exception e.g. trying to write into non-existing memory...

Hope it helps.


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