Why does pgm not run without breakpoints

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Why does pgm not run without breakpoints

4,041 次查看
Contributor IV
A simple asm program will only send a uart-char
if stopped at a breakpoint on every loop.
Will not run full speed.
Will not run standalone on a board.
Framework was generated by CW 3,1 wizard.
What have I done wrong?
Anders J

            XDEF Entry
            ABSENTRY Entry

            INCLUDE 'mc9s12dt256.inc'
ROMStart    EQU  $4000  ; 
Baud9600  equ 52
; variable/data section
            ORG RAMStart
temp_byte   ds.b 1

; code section
            ORG ROMStart
       ldd   #Baud9600        ; 9600 baud
       std   SCI0BD
       ldaa  #mSCI0CR2_TE     ; Enable transmitter
       staa  SCI0CR2
       ldaa  #0
       staa  SCI0CR1
       clr   temp_byte
       ldaa temp_byte            ; Send a 'B'
       staa SCI0DRL
       inc  temp_byte
       ldx  #60000
XmitLoop:               ; Waist time
       bne  XmitLoop
       BRA Loop

;*                 Interrupt Vectors                          *
  fdb     Entry      ; Reset
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599 次查看
Contributor IV

I added a brclr instruction after the loop label.

       brclr  SCI0SR1,mSCI1SR1_TDRE,Loop

Now it works as intended, but I do not understand why.

The delay loop is a few 100 mS long, and should be sufficient. Or not?

Can anyone explain why the brclr makes this work?

Thanks for your help,




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599 次查看
Contributor IV
A quote from the S12SCIV2.PDF:
TDRE — Transmit Data Register Empty Flag
TDRE is set when the transmit shift register receives a byte from the SCI data register. When TDREis 1, the transmit data register (SCIDRH/L) is empty and can receive a new value to transmit.ClearTDRE by reading SCI status register 1 (SCISR1), with TDRE set and then writing to SCI data registerlow (SCIDRL).
 1 = Byte transferred to transmit shift register; transmit data register empty
 0 = No byte transferred to transmit shift register
This means that you have to read the TDRF before writing the next byte to the data-register


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599 次查看
Senior Contributor IV
The reason it works when you add breakpoints is likely because the debugger is reading the register and accidently clearing the flag, since those particular flags are cleared by read access.
It is usually a pain to debug SCI and SPI code because of it.
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599 次查看
Contributor IV
You must check the TDRE-bit before writing the next bit to the tranmsit-register. I did not calculate how long your 60000-loop takes, but it would be much easier to just test the TDRE-bit in the SR1-register.
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