S12ZVH CAN bus could receive ,but could not send frame

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S12ZVH CAN bus could receive ,but could not send frame

Contributor II

Hello, I'm trying to send CAN messages from a TRK-S12ZVH128 to USB-CAN device, using the MSCAN and CANPHY component in processor expert .

I am able to receive or loop mode self-test, however, when I try to transmit to USB-CAN device, I send one message then the processor keeps send repeatedly.


I check following register when transmitter failure:

CAN0RFLG = 0X08,(TSTAT[1:0] = 10 or 01)

CAN0TFLG = 0X06,(TX buffer 0 is full)


And in the IRQ of CAN bus error,

void CAN1_OnError(void)


  /* Write your code here ... */

  CAN1_TError error;



the error indicate TxWarning = 1


then I set the MODRR0 = 0x04,

I can find the frame on RXCAN / PC2 and the ACK on TXCAN / PC1 when USB-CAN send message to MCU.But when I send a message from MCU to USB-CAN,the bit flow on TxCAN appeared on RxCAN, without any ACK.


if I forget some configure ,or the MSCAN into LISTEN-MODE,but no happen high voltage failure.


MSCAN configure

**     Processor   : MC9S12ZVH128CLQ

**     Component   : FreescaleCAN

**     Version     : Component 02.366, Driver 01.31, CPU db: 3.00.000

**     Compiler    : CodeWarrior HCS12Z C Compiler

**     Date/Time   : 2016-08-10, 15:46, # CodeGen: 5

**     Abstract    :

**         This component "FreescaleCAN" implements a CAN serial channel.

**     Settings    :

**         CAN channel                                     : MSCAN0


**           Interrupt service/event                       : Enabled

**             Output interrupt

**               Vector name                               : Vcan0tx

**               Priority                                  : 4

**             Input interrupt

**               Vector name                               : Vcan0rx

**               Priority                                  : 4

**             Error interrupt

**               Vector name                               : Vcan0err

**               Priority                                  : 4

**             Wakeup interrupt

**               Vector name                               : Vcan0wkup

**               Priority                                  : 4


**          Settings                                       :

**                Rx pin                                   : CANPHY0_RXD_to_MSCAN0_RXD

**                Rx pin signal                            :

**                Tx pin                                   : CANPHY0_TXD_to_MSCAN0_TXD

**                Tx pin Signal                            :



**            Recieve accept. code                         : 0x00

**            Recieve accept. mask                         : 0xFFFFFFFF

**            Loop Mode                                    : no

**            Bus-Off Recovery                             : Auto

**            Listen Only Mode                             : no

**            Wakeup                                       : Disabled


**         Protocol

**             Time segment 1                              : 7

**             Time segment 2                              : 3

**             RSJ                                         : 1

**             Samples per bit                             : One sample

**             Time quanta per bit                         : 13

**             Init baud rate                              : 100 kbit/s


**         Initialization

**             Enabled in init. code                       : yes

**             Events enabled in init.                     : yes


**         CPU clock/speed selection

**             High speed mode                             : This component enabled

**             Low speed mode                              : This component disabled

**             Slow speed mode                             : This component disabled


**     Contents    :

**         SetAcceptanceCode - byte CAN1_SetAcceptanceCode(dword AccCode1, dword AccCode2);

**         SetAcceptanceMask - byte CAN1_SetAcceptanceMask(dword AccMask1, dword AccMask2);

**         SetAcceptanceMode - byte CAN1_SetAcceptanceMode(byte Mode);

**         SendFrame         - byte CAN1_SendFrame(byte BufferNum, dword MessageID, byte FrameType, byte...

**         ReadFrame         - byte CAN1_ReadFrame(dword *MessageID, byte *FrameType, byte *FrameFormat,...

**         GetStateTX        - byte CAN1_GetStateTX(void);

**         GetStateRX        - bool CAN1_GetStateRX(void);

**         GetError          - byte CAN1_GetError(CAN1_TError *Err);



CANPHY configure

**     Processor   : MC9S12ZVH128CLQ

**     Component   : Init_CANPHY

**     Version     : Component 01.000, Driver 01.00, CPU db: 3.00.000

**     Compiler    : CodeWarrior HCS12Z C Compiler

**     Date/Time   : 2016-08-11, 10:36, # CodeGen: 15

**     Abstract    :

**          This file implements the CANPHY (CANPHY0) module initialization

**          according to the Peripheral Initialization settings, and

**          defines interrupt service routines prototypes.

**     Settings    :

**          Component name                                 : CANPHY0

**          Device                                         : CANPHY0

**          Settings                                       :

**            Split enable                                 : Enabled

**            Wakeup receiver                              : Enabled

**            Physical layer slew rate                     : Slew rate 0

**          Pins/Signals                                   :

**            Supply pin                                   :

**              Pin                                        : VDDC

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            Ground pin                                   :

**              Pin                                        : VSSC

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            CAN bus high pin                             :

**              Pin                                        : CANH0

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            CAN bus low pin                              :

**              Pin                                        : CANL0

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            Termination pin                              :

**              Pin                                        : SPLIT0

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            Tx input                                     : Enabled

**              Pin                                        : CANPHY0_TXD_to_MSCAN0_TXD

**              Pin signal                                 :

**            Rx output                                    :

**              Output 0                                   : Enabled

**                Pin                                      : CANPHY0_RXD_to_MSCAN0_RXD

**                Pin signal                               :

**              Output 1                                   : Disabled

**          Interrupts                                     :

**            CANPHY interrupt                             :

**              Interrupt                                  : Vcanphy0

**              Interrupt priority                         : 1

**              ISR Name                                   : CANPHY0_onError

**              Voltage failure Interrupt                  : Enabled

**              Physical layer error Interrupt             : Enabled

**          Initialization                                 :

**            Physical layer                               : Enabled

**            SW control value                             : 1

**            Call Init method                             : yes

**     Contents    :

**         Init - void CANPHY0_Init(void);

1 解決策
Contributor II


thank you for reply.

I check my USB-CAN device, the filter is disable,actually.then I change the PHASE_SEG1 and PHASE_SEG2 which default set value is 7 and 3.it works fine. Anyway,thanks a lot.

have a nice day


0 件の賞賛
2 返答(返信)
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi Leo,

It seems that your question contains the answer directly.

“I can find the frame on RXCAN / PC2 and the ACK on TXCAN / PC1 when USB-CAN send message to MCU.But when I send a message from MCU to USB-CAN,the bit flow on TxCAN appeared on RxCAN, without any ACK.

So, the problem is that your USB-CAN node do not accept frame from the MCU. The MCU do not receive acknowledge, therefore, it cannot release transmit buffer and it try to send it again.

Please check your USB-CAN node configuration. You should allow to accept CAN frames from MCU.

Note: The acceptance filter depends typically on message ID. The ID field has specific format (standard/extended) and message ID is sometimes recorded just like a pure number and sometimes it already contains also specific bits like RTR and IDE. Please check whether meaning of “MessageID” variable fits to your USB-CAN node message ID configuration.

I hope it helps you.

Have a great day,

Note: If this post answers your question, please click the Correct Answer button. Thank you!

Contributor II


thank you for reply.

I check my USB-CAN device, the filter is disable,actually.then I change the PHASE_SEG1 and PHASE_SEG2 which default set value is 7 and 3.it works fine. Anyway,thanks a lot.

have a nice day

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