PWM example code for S12ZVL

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PWM example code for S12ZVL

PWM example code for S12ZVL

This example shows a few possible configurations of the S12PWM8B8CV2 PWM module.

Five PWM channels are configured with different clock source, polarity, alignment, period and duty-cycle.


Four clock sources (A, B, SA, SB) are derived from bus clock using dividers.


Selected polarity of PWM channel determines the duty-cycle whereas the alignment determines the period of the PWM signal.


Four 8-bit channels (4-5, 6-7) are concatenated into two 16-bit channels.

Channels 4 and 6 become high-order channels while channels 5 and 7 become low-order channels.

These low-order channels (5 and 7) are the output channels routed to a port 

and they configure the clock, polarity, alignment and enablement of the PWM signal. 

Period and duty-cycle of the signal are configured with both the low-order and high-order channels.


The period registers (PWMPERx) and the duty-cycle registers (PWMDTYx) are double buffered.
When they are rewritten while the channel is enabled, the change will not take effect until one of the following occurs:
1. The effective period ends
2. Counter resets
3. The channel is disabled


Hello, I'm new to S12 MCUs. And this is a great example for me. But when i'm trying to build your example. I got an error:

mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `C:\Users\nxf25233\workspace\cw_1\EXAMPLE_S12ZVL32_PWM_CW10.7_v2\Sources\main.c', needed by `Sources/main_c.obj'.  Stop.

Do you have any idea what I have missed.


Please clean the project in CW or download this example code again, it should work now.



Link to code is broken


Thanks for pointing it out,

It has been fixed,

BR, Daniel

‎05-30-2017 02:07 AM