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Two of our interns this summer, Driss and Théophile, worked within a week to develop a connected beehive. Here is the approach:   Module 1 (play): Using Atmosphere only, develop a Beehive monitoring app with following features: Temperature and humidity posted to the Atmosphere cloud. Light detection to warn owner about somebody opening the roof of his beehouse or that it flew off. Gyroscope threshold detection for somebody stealing a beehouse (that becomes an issue in France). Will trigger an alarm on app if beehive is moved.   Module 2 (tinker) : Using click modules and MCUXpresso: Using a NFC reader module on the docking station, allow the user to record his/her behavior  using tags (extract honey, observe bee queen, etc.) Transfer these operations on a cloud via a Wifi module to record operations without having to note time and what operations were performed.   Module 3 (develop): Out of the blue with MCUXpresso: Use Rapid Iot to build a scale and report the weight of the beehouse on the kit display (+ Load cell, docking station and an amp + ADC)   The approach was modular where each module is working with its dedicated kit – but can be integrated into a single kit. All 3 modules were delivered in less than a week by Théo and Driss, which demonstrated that Rapid IoT prototyping kit is capable of taking an idea and turning it into a real product fast. Check out the attached video to meet our interns! What is even better is no bees were harmed throughout this process.
Hackster is teaming up with NXP to bring you the very first Rapid IoT prototyping contest. You can win a prize including a Fitbit watch, wireless headphones, and more.  NXP would like to see what type of IoT end node design you can create using the new Rapid IoT prototyping kit. Some example application categories are: Smart Energy/Environment Smart Security Smart Home/Building Smart Identification ....and many more! Do not miss out and enter the contest today! To enter, visit the contest landing page by clicking here and then click on the blue " Register as a participant" button. Don't forget to come back here and tell us all about your experience. We would love to hear from you. Good luck rapid prototyping!
Here is a demo developed based on the Rapid IoT Kit. You can develop your own project in a short time after read the design user guide More details to come. 
Check out this video highlighting the Rapid IoT out-of-the-box experience. We would love to hear what you think about the video and your experience using Rapid IoT. Enjoy! Javier
A few of Rapid IoT's sensors are utilized- gyro/accel/mag Rapid IoT is trained to send an alert when an out of bound condition occurs The same principle of anomaly detection can be applicable for other verticals- e.g. temperature, humidity, air quality for Home and Building automatio Thanks to Theophile LeRoy for putting this together
Check out this video where Jim Cramer sits down with NXP Semiconductor President and CEO Richard Clemmer to hear what he has in store for the era of the connected (and, soon, self-driving) car and discusses Rapid IoT. https://www.cnbc.com/video/2018/09/11/nxp-semiconductor-ceo-on-autonomous-driving-longevity.html
The Rapid IoT Kit combines optimized hardware design including processing, connectivity and trusted security with proven software including drivers, middleware and GUI based programming enabling you to easily take your IoT idea to a proof of concept (POC) quickly. Would you use the Rapid IoT kit to develop your next idea? We would love to hear from you.
We are excited to announce Avnet has launched a Start-up contest during Electronica with EBV and Silica and both will provide development kits of suppliers.   Silica has selected the Rapid IoT Prototyping kit for the contest and NXP will provide 75 boards. Stay tuned for more details!
The NXP Rapid IoT Kit was developed to help you turn your product from an idea to a real product that provides a solution to your customers. To learn more about how the Rapid IoT can help you achieve this, I have attached a fact sheet that serves as a quick overview. Here's an excerpt from the fact sheet: "Rapid IoT combines optimized hardware design including processing, connectivity and trusted security with proven software including drivers, middleware and GUI based programming enabling anyone to easily take your IoT idea to a proof of concept (POC)." If you are ready to start developing, click here to get your kit, learn how to get started, and download all the necessary software and documentation so you can start designing your product today. Also, feel free to leave us comments and questions here. We would love to hear from you!  
Here is a quick video of how to enter mass storage device mode of bootloaders.