How to flash bareboard ROM elf file?

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How to flash bareboard ROM elf file?

Contributor III


   I am trying to flash my rom elf file to the T2080 board I am working with. I am using the bare board starter project and creating a target task. I am flashing my RCW.bin file to the 0xE8000000 address and then flashing my .elf file to 0xE8020000. Is this correct? I keep getting a command failed when running the target task with no helpful information why. I have logging on but no helpful information either.

Thanks for your help

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Look at your linker file (.lcf). Check also your memory map. See attached snapshot.

The T2080 core's first instruction fetch is a burst read of boot code from effective address 0x0_FFFF_FFC0.

See the Section 4.3.3 of the T2080 Reference Manual.


The .elf file contains addresses for lading. Default CodeWarrior ROM linker file uses 0xEFF10000 as start address and pleases .reset at address 0xEFFFFFFC.

Have a great day,
Pavel Chubakov

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