This document introduces DDR controller configuration to support new type DDR4 SDRAMs during LS2085/LS2080 target board bringing up. These sections are described in the following, DDR controller memory mapped registers related with new SDRAM setting up on LS2085/LS2080 processors; using “DDR Memory Controller Configuration” tool provided in QCVS tool to calculate the basic DDR controller configuration parameters according to the new DIMM datasheet or SPD provided by the manufacture; use DDR validation(DDRv) tool to validate and optimize the DDR configuration by gradually refining an initial DDR configuration up to an optimal configuration; modify CodeWarrior initialization file and u-boot source code with DDR controller optimized configuration parameter.
Is there a similar document to configure the controller of LS1088A Bring up?
Specifically, I am stuck in the last step where ("5. Porting U-BOOT Source with the custom DDR configuration parameters"). My board does not use SPD. My board uses "discrete DRAM" .
Is there a document that describes conifuguring the DDR in U-Boot based on discrete DRAM?