Re: CW for MobileGT V9 - Processor Expert for MPC5125 ?

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Re: CW for MobileGT V9 - Processor Expert for MPC5125 ?

Senior Contributor III

MPC5125 MCU has been supported in Processor Expert V 1.03 for CodeWarrior

Development Studio for mobileGT v9.2. Since there is currently available only

layout of the service pack, the following steps are necessary to proper update:


1. - Install the latest version of Code Warrior 9.2 for mobile GT.


2. - Install the patch for MPC5125.


3. - Download the layout of Processor Expert V1.03.


4. - Delete or rename "ProcessorExpert" folder within the following path:

{CodeWarrior}/ProcessorExpert and copy new one from

Archive. Rewrite Bin, Help, and Stationary folders.


best regards
Vojtech Filip
Processor Expert Support Team

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