Processor Expert and commercial purpose

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Processor Expert and commercial purpose

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Contributor IV


I developed some Kinetis projects in my free time. At the moment, it's only for fun ! :smileyhappy:  But I would like to know if I can use my projects with Processor Expert code in a commercial purpose. Could I ? Does PE is free open ? If not, what  should I do ?

Best regard


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684 次查看
NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hello Maxime,

Processor Expert tool is distributed in CodeWarrior (e.g. CodeWarrior MCU 10.6), in Kinetis Design Studio and also as Processor Expert Driver Suite (installable in Eclipse IDE). For Processor Expert tool information (distributions, releases, licensing and so on)  see page Processor Expert Software|Embedded Components|Freescale

CodeWarrior - Processor Expert license:

You can find details about license in the document CW MCU v10.6\MCU\License\Freescale_Software_EULA.pdf - see the chapter  1. LICENSE GRANT - b. Limited Distribution Rights.

For purchasing information see CodeWarrior Development Suites|Freescale and Licensing and Registration|Freescale

Kinetis Design Studio 2.0.0 - Processor Expert license

You can find details about license in the file "KDS_2.0.0\eclipse\ProcessorExpert\DOCs\EULA.TXT"- see the chapter  1. LICENSE GRANT - b. Limited Distribution Rights.

For purchasing and downloading information see Kinetis Design Studio Integrated Development |Freescale (it is based on free, open-source software including Eclipse, GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), GNU Debugger (GDB), and others, the Kinetis Design Studio IDE offers designers a simple development tool with no code-size limitations).

Processor Expert Driver Suite 10.4

You can find details about license in the file "PExDrv v10.4\eclipse\ProcessorExpert\DOCs\EULA.TXT" - see the chapter  1. LICENSE GRANT - b. Limited Distribution Rights.

For purchasing and downloading information see Processor Expert Software, Microcontroller Dr|Freescale

Best Regards,

Marek Neuzil

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684 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Max,

processor expert is embedded in CW which is for commercial usage.

but Component Development Environment CR/LF  is for "Non-commercial use"

Component Development Environment is for developing processor expert component. user guide is C:\Freescale\CW MCU v10.6\MCU\Help\PDF\CDE_userguide.pdf

Have a great day,
Zhang Jun

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