P2020DS : CCSRBAR issue

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P2020DS : CCSRBAR issue

Contributor III


Priviously working on a P5020DS board I shifted to a P2020DS and have some questions about the CCSR base address.

In the Documentation it is said that by default CCSRBAR is at 0xFFE0_0000 but in the TCL file the address used is 0xFF70_0000.

Replacing the CCSRBAR address by the one specified in the documentation doesn"t work. Is it possible that the address in the documantation might be wrong ?

I would appriciate if someone had some information on this issue.

During initialization the CCSR address is displaced to 0x0_E000_0000 so I use this as my CCSRBAR value but I can't tell if it works because in the memory browser 95% of the CCSR space is not shown.

Thanks helping.

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Contributor III

Thanks for all of your responses.

I'm using "P2020 QorIQ Integrated Processor Reference Manual, rev. 2, 12/2012"

Going To -Chapter 2 :CCSR address map

Page 84, I quote : "The default value for CCSRBAR is 0x0_FFE0_0000 (or 4 Gbytes-9 Mbytes)."

Page 94, I quote :

"2.2.4 CCSR address map

The full register address of any CCSR is comprised of the CCSR window base address,

specified in CCSRBAR (default address 0x0_FFE0_0000), plus the functional block base

address, plus the specific register's offset within that block."

But I have found in -Chapter : 4 Reset, Clocking, and Initialization

Page 122 :

"The set of configuration, control, and status registers occupies a 1-Mbyte region of

memory. Their location is programmable using the CCSR base address register

(CCSRBAR). The default base address for the configuration, control, and status registers

is 0xFF70_0000 (CCSRBAR = 0x000F_F700)."

That is all what was found in the document.

I didn't find the second address in first place because i was searching for 0x0_ff70_0000 in the document.

Thought confusing, I'll stick with 0xFF70_0000 as it doesn't make my debug session to crash.

Any further information will be appriciated.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

We are sorry for this, the most likely this is a bug in our documentation, I just took a look in an old P2020 RM manual and there is not entry for 0xFFE0_0000 for CCSRBAR value.

Please use 0xFF70_0000 value for CCSRBAR default address.

Thank you,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

The default CCSRBAR is 0xFF700000, in CodeWarrior initialization file P2020DS_init_core.tcl, it is moved at 0xE0000000, please refer to the following.

# move CCSR at 0xE0000000


# bit 8 - 23 - BASE_ADDR

mem [CCSR 0x0] = 0x000e0000

set CCSRBAR 0xe0000000

Please make sure CodeWarrior has already initialized your target successfully before using memory browser, and please make sure you use "Download" or "Connect" launch configuration in CodeWarrior.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

The default CCSRBAR on P2020 is 0x0_ff70_0000, as specified in the current version of the P2020 reference manual.  In which version of which manual do you see 0x0_ffe0_0000?  That is the address that U-Boot will move CCSR to, but it is not the power-on default.

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


At reset you should use the value specified in manual, also you do not have to set anything that CCSRBAR remains at default value.


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