Tja1103 ETH PHY basic sleep functionality

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Tja1103 ETH PHY basic sleep functionality

Contributor II

Good morning everyone,
I have a problem with the TJA1103A ethernet PHY when I try to put it to sleep.

My aim is to enable basic sleep mode to release the INH pin, as it is connected to an SBC wakeup pin. As per datasheet, this ETH PHY is capable of Standby, Basic sleep, and TC10 sleep modes. The datasheet is, however, not very clear on the distinct difference of TC10 sleep from basic sleep and the passages to follow. For example, the datasheet in Figure 4 of the datasheet v1.0,  "Device-level mode transitions" describes the "Device Sleep" state after the transition "All ports in sleep," but actually does not tell possible register settings like setting the "FUNCTION_SELECT" flag to "Basic Wake-Sleep Functionality" or other prerequisites of a port to enter sleep mode. Even more, Figure 5 "Port-level mode transitions" appears to indicate that Port sleep state is attained upon successful negotiation of sleep, possibly referring to TC10 and not to basic sleep.

Could you clarify what needs to be done with respect to the steps and register configurations that need to be written for transiting the ETH PHY to sleep mode?
I'm available in case further information are needed.


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


you can read more info in chapter 6 Power modes of TJA1103 App note, I think.
AN13137 is accessible from device web page under Documentation - Secure files section.

BR, Petr

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Contributor II

Good afternoon @PetrS, thank you for your reply!
I checked that paragraph but it concerns TC10 with some hints regarding the basic sleep, which is the one of my main interest. Actually, my main goal is to release the INH pin as it is connected to the wake1 line of the SBC, still of NXP.

Stating the datasheet

"Not shown in the diagram is the basic wake-sleep mode which allows manual sleep control and local wake-up but no remote wake-up or wake forwarding. For a full set of additional configuration options please have a look at the registers WAKE_SLEEP_CONFIG / WAKE_SLEEP_PARAMETERS / WISE_CONFIG in the TJA1103 datasheet."

So, i would set
- From the WAKE_SLEEP_CONFIG register, only FUNCTION_SELECT to "01 (Basic Wake-Sleep functionality)" as the other regards TC10 sleep arbitration(?)
- In the WAKE_SLEEP_PARAMETERS, i am not sure what i should configure here
- In the WISE_CONFIG, only WAKE_SLEEP_ENABLE needs to be set to 1 to enable wake-sleep as others relates to wake-up. 

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