TJA1145 CAN Partial Networking

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TJA1145 CAN Partial Networking

2,320 次查看
Contributor I

Hi there,

i am strugeling with configuring a TJA1145 to wake up from a specific CAN ID.

Are there any Programming examples regarding the configuration of the TJA1145?

Unfortunatelly I have some issues understanding the documentation and i am also aware of the application hints

I am using a small microcontroller as SPI master.

Thanks in advance,

Christoph Freiberger

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1,394 次查看
Contributor III

Hi everyone,

I'm having the same trouble with wake-up, I'm sure the SPI communication is working properly, I can read device ID etc. But I don't know how to make the configuration for wake-up/PN. Is it possible to disable Partial Network just to test the CAN messages? Could you please chare with me some configuration example for any microcontroller?

Thank you for your support.

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1,394 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Christoph,

I have already sent you the requested code examples internally (Case 00170223).

I hope you found them useful.

Best regards,


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1,394 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Tomas,

Could you please send this examples also to me. I found reference to source files in TJA1145_Application_Hints_Reference_SW but can't find files.

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1,394 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Duze,

As I am not allowed to share the source files publicly, please create a standard private ticket to get them.

Best regards,


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1,394 次查看
Contributor I

Hello Tomas,

Could you also help me please with the source files? I cannot seem to find the source files on the NXP's website. 

Thank you

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1,394 次查看
Senior Contributor I

Hi Tomas,

Could you please send this examples also to me. I found reference to source files in AH1309_v1_1_Application_Hints_TJA1145.pdf but can't find files.

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1,394 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Tomas,

Could you please send this examples also to me. I found reference to source files in AH1309_v1_1_Application_Hints_TJA1145.pdf but can't find files

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1,394 次查看
Contributor I

Hi Tomas,

thank you for the fast reply on that.
Currently I going through the example and try to find the mistakes in my own.

I will reply to this thread when I get my results.

Thank you,


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