SGTL5000 route MIC input to headphone left and right output

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SGTL5000 route MIC input to headphone left and right output

Contributor II


Does anyone know which registers need to be configured to route the MIC input to both the LEFT and RIGHT Headphone outputs?

Thanks in advance!

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4 Replies

Contributor II

Since I can get audio from the LINEIN input to the HEADPHONE output, can you help me to route the LINEIN through the DAP? Because if  I can get that path to work, then I think it should be relatively easy to switch it to the MIC input. 

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



In that case the route would be: LINE_IN -> ADC -> DAP -> DAC -> HP_OUT


// Route LINE_IN to ADC

Modify CHIP_ANA_CTRL -> SELECT_ADC 0x0001 // bit 2


// Route ADC to DAP

Modify CHIP_SSS_CTRL -> DAP_SELECT 0x0000 // bits 7:6


// Route DAP to DAC

Modify CHIP_SSS_CTRL -> DAC_SELECT 0x0003 // bits 5:4


// Select DAC as the input to HP_OUT

Modify CHIP_ANA_CTRL -> SELECT_HP 0x0000 // bit 6




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Contributor II

Hi Jose,

Thank you for your help.

I've tried what you recommended, but I still cannot hear anything from the MIC input. I am successful in routing the LINEIN to the Headphone, but not the MIC input. Here is the code I am using. 

USHORT chipAnaHpCtrl = (
0x0 << 15 | // reserved
0x0 << 8 | // headphone right channel volume (0x00=+12.dB to 0x7f=-51.5dB 0.5dB steps)
0x0 << 0 // headphone left channel volume (0x00=+12.dB to 0x7f=-51.5dB 0.5dB steps)

USHORT chipAnaCtrl = (
0 << 9 | // reserved [15:9]
1 << 8 | // LINEOUT unmuted (should not matter)
0 << 7 | // reserved
0 << 6 | // Select the headphone input (0x0=DAC, 0x1=LINEIN) ************************
0 << 5 | // Disabled headphone zero cross detector (ZCD)
0 << 4 | // Unmute the headphone outputs
0 << 3 | // reserved
0 << 2 | // Select ADC input (0x0=Microphone, 0x1=LINEIN) ***************************
0 << 1 | // Disable ADC analog zero cross detector (ZCD)
1 << 0 // Mute the ADC analog volume

USHORT chipSssCtrl = (
0 << 15 | // reserved
0 << 14 | // DAP mixer input swap (0=normal operation, 1=left and right channels of DAP mixer are swapped)
0 << 13 | // DAP input swap (0=normal operation, 1=left and right channels of DAP mixer are swapped)
0 << 12 | // DAC input swap (0=normal operation, 1=left and right channels of DAP mixer are swapped)
0 << 11 | // reserved
0 << 10 | // I2S DOUT swap (0x0=normal operation, 0x1=left & right channels of I2S are swapped)
0 << 8 | // [9:8] Select data source for DAP mixer (0=ADC, 1=I2S_IN, others reserved)
0 << 6 | // [7:6] Select data source for DAP (0=ADC, 1=I2S_IN, others reserved)
0 << 4 | // [5:4] Select data source for DAC (0=ADC, 1=I2S_IN, 2=reserved, 3=DAP) ************************
0 << 2 | // [3:2] reserved
0 << 0 // [1:0] Select data source for I2S_DOUT (0=ADC, 1=I2S_IN, 2=reserved, 3=DAP)

USHORT dapCtrl = (
0 << 5 | // reserved [15:5]
0 << 4 | // Enable/Disable DAP mixer path (0x0=Disabled)
0 << 1 | // reserved [3:1]
1 << 0 // Enable/Disable DAP (0x0=Disable, no audio passes through, 0x1=Enable, when enabled, audio can pass through DAP even if none of the DAP functions are enabled)

USHORT dapPeq = (
0 << 3 | // reserved [15:3]
0 << 0 // Set to Enable the PEQ filters (0x0=Disabled)

USHORT dapBassEnhance = (
0 << 9 | // reserved [15:9]
1 << 8 | // bypass high pass filter
0 << 7 | // reserved
4 << 4 | // set cut-off frequency (0x4=175Hz)
0 << 1 | // reserved [3:1]
0 << 0 // disable Bass Enhance

USHORT dapAudioEq = (
0 << 2 | // reserved [15:2]
0 << 0 // [1:0] PEQ/GEQ/Tone control and enable/disable it (0=disabled)

USHORT dapSgtlSurround = (
0 << 7 | // reserved [15:7]
4 << 4 | // freescale surround width control (0x0=Least width)
0 << 2 | // reserved [3:2]
0 << 0 // disble Freescale Surround Selection

USHORT chipDigPower = (
0 << 7 | // reserved
1 << 6 | // enable ADC block, both digital and analog
1 << 5 | // enable DAC block, both analog and digital
1 << 4 | // enable DAP block
0 << 2 | // [3:2] reserved
0 << 1 | // disable i2s data output
0 << 0 // disable i2s data input

USHORT chipAnaAdcCtrl = (
0x0 << 9 | // [15:9] reserved
0x0 << 8 | // ADC volume range reduction (oxo=no change in ADC range, 0x1=ADC range reduced by 6.0dB
0xF << 4 | // [7:4] ADC right channel volume (0x0=0dB .. 0xF=+22.5dB)
0xF << 0 // [3:0] ADC left channel volume (0x0=0dB .. 0xF=+22.5dB)

USHORT chipMicCtrl = (
0x0 << 10 | // [15:10] reserved
0x0 << 8 | // [9:8] MIC bias output impedance adjustment
0x0 << 7 | // reserved
0x0 << 4 | // [6:4] MIC bias voltage adjustment 0x0=1.25V
0x0 << 2 | // [3:2] reserved
0x1 << 0 // [1:0] MIC amplifier gain (0x0=0dB, 0x1=+20dB, 0x2=+30dB, 0x3=+40dB)

USHORT chipAdcDacCtrl = (
0x0 << 14 | // [15:14] reserved
0x0 << 13 | // ReadOnly - Volume busy dac right
0x0 << 12 | // ReadOnly - Volume busy dac left
0x0 << 10 | // [11:10] reserved
0x0 << 9 | // Volume ramp enable - disabled
0x0 << 8 | // Exponential volume ramp enable - disabled
0x0 << 4 | // [7:4] reserved
0x0 << 3 | // DAC right mute - unmuted
0x0 << 2 | // DAC left mute - unmuted
0x0 << 1 | // ADC high pass filter freeze - normal operation
0x1 << 0 // ADC high pass filter bypass - bypassed and offset not updated

i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0022 /* SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_HP_CTRL */, chipAnaHpCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0024 /* SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_CTRL */, chipAnaCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x000A /* SGTL5000_CHIP_SSS_CTRL */, chipSssCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0100 /* SGTL5000_DAP_CONTROL */, dapCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0102 /* SGTL5000_DAP_PEQ */, dapPeq );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0104 /* SGTL5000_DAP_BASS_ENHANCE */, dapBassEnhance );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0108 /* SGTL5000_DAP_AUDIO_EQ */, dapAudioEq );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x010A /* SGTL5000_DAP_SGTL_SURROUND */, dapSgtlSurround );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0002 /* SGTL5000_CHIP_DIG_POWER */, chipDigPower );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x0020 /* SGTL5000_CHIP_ANA_ADC_CTRL */, chipAnaAdcCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x002A /* SGTL5000_CHIP_MIC_CTRL */, chipMicCtrl );
i2cWrite(i2c, 0x000E /* SGTL5000_CHIP_ADCDAC_CTRL */, chipAdcDacCtrl );

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport



The route should be as follows:



Here is what you need to configure to set this route:


// MIC -> ADC

// Select MIC as the input to ADC

CHIP_ANA_CTRL -> SELECT_ADC = 0x0  // bit 2


// ADC -> DAC

// Select ADC as the input to DAC

CHIP_SSS_CTRL -> DAC_SELECT = 0x0 // bits 5:4


// DAC –> HP

// Select DAC as the input to HP_OUT

CHIP_ANA_CTRL -> SELECT_HP = 0x0  // bit 6


And you can use CHIP_ANA_HP_CTRL register to control the volume on both Headphone Right and Headphone Left channels




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