Hi NXP Support Team,
We are using LS1028a NXP based processor.
We have both RS232 and RS422 as serial ports. Currently for debugging we are using RS422 as our default serial console[debugging port].
We Need to make RS232 as our default serial console(debug port).
We tried changing the RCW register of serial port from RS422 to RS232 but no difference observed.
Both ports are working Independently.
Please help us to enable RS232 as default serial console.
LS1028ARDB integrates 2x DB9 RS232 serial ports, you could try to use atf image for LS1028ARDB provided in LSDK 21.08.
Please download LSDK 21.08 from https://www.nxp.com/design/software/embedded-software/linux-software-and-development-tools/layerscap...
1. cd flexbuild_lsdk2108
$ source setup.env
$ flex-builder -c rcw -m ls1028ardb
2. Please modify components/firmware/rcw/ls1028ardb/R_SQPP_0x85bb/rcw_1500_gpu600.rcw according to your custom board.
3. $ flex-builder -c rcw -m ls1028ardb
$ flex-builder -c atf -m ls1028ardb -b xspi
Please deploy build/firmware/atf/ls1028ardb/bl2_flexspi_nor.pbl at "0" of XSPI flash and check whether there is output from RS232 serial.
Hi @yipingwang,
Compiled the Flexbuild 2108 rcw as per the steps provided and deployed build/firmware/atf/ls1028ardb/bl2_flexspi_nor.pbl at '0' of flash. The output is still displaying on the RS422 (port 0) and no output on RS232 (port 1).
In atf source code folder flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/atf, in file plat/nxp/soc-ls1028a/include/soc.h UART address is configured as the following.
/* CCSR space memory Map */
#define NXP_UART_ADDR 0x021C0500
#define NXP_UART1_ADDR 0x021C0600
In file plat/nxp/soc-ls1028a/ls1028ardb/plat_def.h
/* UART related definition */
Please modify the above to the following
Then rebuild atf image with the following command.
$ flex-builder -c atf -m ls1028ardb -b xspi
Hi @yipingwang,
In file flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/atf/plat/nxp/soc-ls1028a/ls1028ardb/plat_def.h,
modified the macro NXP_CONSOLE_ADDR from NXP_UART_ADDR to NXP_UART1_ADDR and rebuild the atf image using the command
$ flex-builder -c atf -m ls1028ardb -b xspi
We are able to get prints in both RS232 and RS422 consoles but RS232 console in getting hang after loading .pbl and further u-boot prints are not getting loaded.
Can you please let me know if i have to change anything in u-boot source file or in other files to resolve this error.
LSDK 21.08 source code is only used for NXP demo board, DDR initialization provided in atf source code for ls1028ardb is not suitable your target board. You need to modify flexbuild_lsdk2108/components/firmware/atf/plat/nxp/soc-ls1028a/ls1028ardb/ddr_init.c according to your custom board.
You could refer to section " TF-A DDR Driver" in LSDK 21.08 user manual.