Fast reset of an HCS12 microcontroller

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Fast reset of an HCS12 microcontroller

Contributor I

I am trying to reset my MC9S12DT128 microcontroller in a short period of time (<20mS). Currently, I am using the watchdog timer to do that which takes 25-27mS which is too long for me. I want to achieve less than 10mS. The reset takes less than 1mS using the external Reset pin, but I cannot change the hardware and connect a GPIO to the external Reset pin.

I am looking for a pure firmware solution. Does anyone have an experience doing this? How can I improve the reset time using the watchdog or how can I have another way of resetting with firmware?

I am also looking into loss of clock resetting, but I don't think it is possible to use this method when the clock is fine. Any help is appreciated.

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7 Replies

Contributor I

@lama Thank you for your help. I could resolve this issue by modifying the watchdog reset interrupt. Now it's as fast as the power on reset. But the problem now is that I need to update the bootloader in the next firmware which is not possible to do with over-the-air updates and we need to send someone to each site or ship the units here which increases the cost significantly. I am now thinking of other solutions like changing the default value of a GPIO upon reset. I realize that the default value of a GPIO is 1 but I want t see if it is possible to change it somehow. I appreciate it if you could think of any other solution that doesn't need a bootloader upgrade. Thanks,

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


I have been thinking about your issue and discussing it with colleagues.

If your current bootloader uses pin to decide whether to start app or bootloader then we see no solution. The reset status of the pin is input and its default value depends on fact whether internal pull device is connected after reset and what is connected to the pin externally. If the pull device is not connected by default and there is nothing connected to the pin then the read value is random – pin is floating.

Best regards,


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Contributor I
Hi Ladislav Thanks for looking into this. We have fixed this issue in the bootloader for now but we are still trying to figure out if we can resolve this in the application so the units in the field don't need a bootloader upgrade which is extremely costly and labor intensive. One solution that I am working on right now is to jump to the power_on_reset interrupt function instead of resetting this micro using watchdog. I am trying to jump to the address 0xFFFE which is the constant address for this interrupt. I have not been able to do this using the assembly code below: __asm { JMP 0xFFFE; } Any help is appreciated. Thank you very much,
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Contributor I
Hi Ladislav Thanks for looking into this. We have fixed this issue in the bootloader for now but we are still trying to figure out if we can resolve this in the application so the units in the field don't need a bootloader upgrade which is extremely costly and labor intensive. One solution that I am working on right now is to jump to the power_on_reset interrupt function instead of resetting this micro using watchdog. I am trying to jump to the address 0xFFFE which is the constant address for this interrupt. I have not been able to do this using the assembly code below: __asm { JMP 0xFFFE; } Any help is appreciated. Thanks,
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Contributor I

@lama Thank you for your response. I have attached the scope capture of the Reset pin of the micro along with a GPIO to show how long it takes for the micro to come back. My test GPIO, named POWER_SHUTDOWN, is cleared at the beginning of the code as soon as the micro is alive and running the code. But this pin is set by default after a reset. Therefore, the pulse width of this pin shows the time it takes for the micro to come back from a reset to a state that runs the code.

As you see, the reset pin goes low when the reset is initiated for a brief period of time, ~8uS. At the same time that the micro is being reset, i.e. the Reset pin is low, my test GPIO, POWER_SHUTDOWN, is being set by default. As soon as the micro comes back, the code clears this GPIO. Therefore, the pulse width of the POWER_SHUTDOWN GPIO shows the time it takes for the micro to reset and start running the initialization process from line 1. As you see this time is 25mS. Therefore, the code can successfully reset the micro but the micro won't be able to come back and start running its code in a timely manner. So my question is based on your comment, this issue can come either from watchdog reset vector or stack. What do you think?

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

There is no reason to be the reset so long.

If you write to the ARMCOP register different value from sequence 0x55,0xAA then the CRG immediately generates a reset.

In order to understand reset timing read S12CRGV4 block user guide. (5.2 Description of Reset Operation)

The system then count given amount of the BUSCLK to recognize source of the reset.



Possible issues when COP is not recognized and/or incorrectly processed:

If there is big capacitor on the reset pin then COP is not recognized and the MCU continues with POR. IF COP is correctly recognized then you have to have correctly written service routine for COP reset.

1) If reset pin contains high capacitance the watch dog reset is not recognized. (Remove capacitance from the pin or use capacitor as low as possible; less than 10nF)

Also BDM connected to the reset pin can cause the COP is not recognized.

2) Watchdog reset vector is not served – programmer’s mistake

3) Programmer does some operations which use stack; Stack is not initialized after WD reset => code is wandering


…attached example (DP256B - COP (WATCHDOG) - CW31.ZIP) for family device but really old CodeWarrior v.3.1 but the C cod is the same for newer versions.


Best regards,


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


Something wrong must be in your code or design at the reset pin (for example SBC chip connected)

please look at the code and measurement…. The code is made for DT256.

I suggest to toggle pin immediately in the COP routine to see how fast the wake up is.


! The measurement must be done with BDM interface disconnected !

  1. Blue = reset pin
  2. Yellow = PTA.0, … after PTA.0 is cleared COP is generated by writing CPMUARMCOP=0x00;
    1. Reset takes 8.5us then the MCU jump into the COP reset routine where PTA.0 is set
    2. The low level period of the yellow takes 15.5us. (Time between COP generated and wake up visualization at the pin)

BUSCLK is set for 8MHz.




// File Name : Main.c
// Description : COP example
// $Version :$
// $Date : 2024-04-11$
// The SW demonstrates COP watchdog using and MCU start after COP reset
// It uses COP interrupt vector which is called after COP reset and inside the
// COP interrupt it calls first program function _Startup() => Starts program from
// the beginning.
// The reset could be done in two ways on the base of enabled line in the Local
// definitions part of the code:
// a) COP is enabled and wait till its period is over
// b) COP is enabled and the MCU is immediately reset by writing a value
//     to ARMCOP other than the COP reset value.

#include <hidef.h> /* common defines and macros */
#include "derivative.h" /* derivative-specific definitions */
#define HWA_ISSUE
//#undef HWA_ISSUE
// Local definitions
// Local types definitions
#define UBYTE unsigned char
#define SBYTE char
#define UWORD unsigned int
// Global variables
static volatile UWORD j,k; // software delay constant
// Local functions definitions
void main(void);
void _Startup(void);

interrupt 2 void WatchDogIsr(void)
 // WARNING: used wariable "j" has to be a global or static
 // Note 1: port has to be set as an output again, since MCU was in reset
 // Note 2: !!! stack pointer is not set after reset => any using stack before
 // initialization can cause program crash
 // (made inside the function _Startup)
 // Note 3: Be aware that all registers are set to the RESET status. The RAM
 // remains unchanged.

 //--- Visualize COP reset on the port B diodes ---
 // Note that you have to set the port as output, since MCU was in reset 
 PORTA = 0xFF; // set LEDs
 DDRA = 0xff; // PTB as output
 // for (j = 0;j < 0x20;j++) // wait to be able to recognize reset on the diodes
 // { for(k=0;k<0xFFFF;k++) asm (nop);


// run the program from the beginning
// startup code of the CodeWarrior S12 environment: void _Startup(void)
// located in the file Start12.c -> project tree directory: Startup Code

// you can us either this code (better solution)
asm JMP _Startup; // this code jumps to the _Startup
// or this code
// _Startup(); // this code leaves one address on the stack which
// has to be set because

void main(void)

 //--- Visualize start of main routine ---
 PORTA = 0xFF;
 DDRA = 0xff; // PORTB as output

    for (j = 0;j < 0x01;j++) {for(k=0;k<0xFFFF;k++) { asm nop;}}
       COPCTL = 0x41; // enable COP
       PORTA = 0x00;
       ARMCOP = 0x00; // reset MCU immediately by means of COP

 while(1); // wait for COP reset

Best regards,


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