Ethernet NETC frame transmission not happening in S32Z2 Controller

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Ethernet NETC frame transmission not happening in S32Z2 Controller

Contributor I

Hello Team,

We are working on NXPS32Z2 Microcontroller and trying to enable the ethernet NETC communication from the SMU. We are facing some issues.

Testing procedure:-

1. We are testing the communication from the driver level not from the software components.

2. Created one test application. See the important steps below. 

Std_ReturnType retStatus = Eth_43_NETC_SetControllerMode(0, ETH_MODE_ACTIVE);
if(retStatus !=E_OK)
eth_set_controllerModeerror = TRUE;
    BufReq_ReturnType reserveRetVal = Eth_43_NETC_ProvideTxBuffer(CtrlIdx, Priority, &BufIdxPtr, &BufPtr, &LenBytePtr);
    /* 2.0 Copy data to BufPtr if buffer is granted*/
    if (BUFREQ_OK == reserveRetVal)
        //*BufPtr = 2u;
/* Write frame data */
        for (Idx = 0U; Idx < 7; Idx++)
BufPtr[Idx] = tst_frm2_data[Idx];
LenBytePtr = 7;
Std_ReturnType transmitRetVal = Eth_43_NETC_Transmit(CtrlIdx, BufIdxPtr, FrameType, TxConfirmation, LenByte, PhysAddrPtr);
if (E_OK == transmitRetVal)
/* Count transmitted frames in SW. */
3. MCU and PORT are configured properly.
4. Verified the initialization sequence of all modules.
5. Enabled the switch port in the Hw side.
Test Result & Problems
1. Transmitted frames are stored in the buffer and returning E_OK from the Eth_43_NETC_ProvideTxBuffer().
2. Invoked Eth_43_NETC_Transmit() and returning E_OK. But we are not able to the frame at this moment as well.
3. As transmit API returning E_OK, Eth_43_NETC_TxConformation is invoking.
4. returning error NETC_ETH_IP_STATUS_ERROR from the API Netc_Eth_Ip_GetTransmitStatus().
Write back has occurred in the buffer descriptor.
Could you please support this topic as soon as possible? 
Why the write back is happened and why the frames are not transmitting even though the Eth_43_NETC_Transmit returning E_OK? 
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