JM32 OSBDM - Has it been done Yet?

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JM32 OSBDM - Has it been done Yet?

11,403 次查看
Contributor II
Has anyone ported the OSBDM (or the turbo for that matter) to the JM series yet?  I was going to tackle that to solve some issues I have had with the JB16 on a development board, but don't like re-inventing the wheel if it has already been done.  Anyone?  Anyone?
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Senior Contributor V
Dear kevinteaxs,

The PCB Zip contains Gerbers files in the "Project Outputs" folders which should be usuable with various tools.

The Source files are for Altium Designer 6 which I suspect is incompatible with the earlier versions of DXP.


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Contributor I
when can get the OSBDM with JM serial MCU?
We all are looking for?
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Contributor IV

Porting the OSBDM and TBDML to a different micro is on our "to do" list, but our resources have been working on other projects.

We hope to get to it soon.

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Contributor II
There is some progress - I have some of the new PC9S08JM16CLC (early samples of the 32 pin LQFP) coming and I hope to get this knocked out soon.  I hope we can combine the Panasonic ZigBee development kit and the next generation of Witztronics BDM development and get them both out PDQ.
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1,368 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Dear All,

I have attached an updated version of the OSBDM code targeted to a JM60 which I hope will be of interest.  However it has been extensively modified and is really intended for extended hardware.  It should be usuable with more basic OSBDM hardware with some (hopefully simple) modification.  It also requires a modified opensourcebdm.dll file to support the extra featrures..

It doesn't provide any advantages over the JB16 version apart from an increased range of BDM interface speeds.


Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-09-23 10:03 AM
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1,368 次查看
Contributor II
Great work pgo!  You have done most of the work that needed to be done for the JM16 development.  I will be cleaning up a few port assignments and hope to have the JM16 version tested and posted in time for the release of the JM16 parts (slated for July I believe).
Charles Lord
** Top 5 Finalist of FTF Americas Design Challenge**
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1,368 次查看
Contributor II
If you could make it work with the new ColdFire flexis parts, that would be great!

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1,368 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Dear All,

Attached is an updated version of USBDM for JM60 (see earlier post).

It now includes support for Flexis (Coldfire V1) parts.  Experimental!

I note that there has been an "official" update of the OSBDM so this may now be moot.


Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-09-23 10:00 AM
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1,368 次查看
Specialist II
Dear pgo,

Please can you confirm that the USBDM_JM60 project can be installed into a JM32? When I look at the map file, I think it implies that the total firmware footprint is less than 11kB.

I just want to be sure before ordering parts, the JM32 is cheaper, and the JM16 still seems to be "not quite available for purchase".

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1,368 次查看
Senior Contributor V
Dear Marksl,

I don't have a JM32 or JM16 to be able to test.  However, I believe the three chips are the same apart from memory size.  It does fit in 16K so should be usable with JM16 or JM32.  Changing the target on the Codewarrior project to JM16 and then  downloading to a _JM60_  confirms this but it's not a complete test.  (If you change the target in the project you will need to change the .prm file slightly - Increase the stack size and add Z_PAGE to the segment list.  See the existing .prm file).

Finally,  why are you using the JM?  It is rather easier to construct and program a JB16 version of the OSBDM and it's cheaper.  I only provided the JM60 version for the die-hards!


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1,368 次查看
Contributor I

Hi, I'm a die-hard :smileyhappy: I am very pleased with the circuit and software which I built with parts laying around. I used a 74HC125 dip and a 2N3904 and 2N3906 for the power on/off circuit (3.3volts only). I am able to link up with an MC9S08QD4 quite readily and I love it.

Here's my question. When I turn on the Periodical Update for a Ram variable it returns 0xFF's while running. As soon as I halt the process, the correct value appears for the variable. I wonder if the hardware is at fault or perhaps that particular function may have a bug. I've attached a dump of the commands, and as you can see the periodic update returns FF's but the correct value is retrieved after the Halt. Thanks very much for your assistance, and I really appreciate your JM60 project.

John H. Fisher



Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-10-26 05:00 PM
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1,368 次查看
Contributor I
Forget my previous message about periodical updates on watch variables. It seems to be working fine with the MC9S08QG8. I guess it is a function of the QD4.
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1,368 次查看
Specialist II
Dear pgo,

Indeed - I only recently noticed that the JM* version seems to have an identical circuit to the JB16 version. As soon as I've been paid for my current project I intend to build your JB16 design.
I am glad to see you recommending the JB16, too - since I already have a few samples.

By the way, please check your private messages - I have a request there for you.

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1,368 次查看
Contributor I
Thank you so much for this marvelous piece of work :smileyhappy: I will try to build one when my JM60 samples arrive. I have a Multilink to program it with. I'm trying to help the Amateur Radio operators ( Hams ) here in Austin to get started with S08. Your work is wonderful and will certainly help us here to develop emergency radio equipment for the Red Cross.

John K5JHF
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1,368 次查看
Contributor II
Excellent work pgo!

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1,368 次查看
Contributor II

Did you see that Freescale released a bootloader app note for the JM60?

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1,368 次查看
Senior Contributor V
Re: Bootstrap for JM60.

I can't install the bootstrap example code on WinXP SP3.  It appears to require WinXP SP2 or Vista.  It isn't that much interest in any case since it doesn't get around the problem of the initial programming of the JM60.  If you can program it once presumably you can do it again :smileyhappy:


Message Edited by pgo on 2008-06-27 09:51 AM
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1,368 次查看
Senior Contributor V

Dear All,

Attached is an updated version of USBDM for JMxx (see earlier posts).

It now allows firmware updates using in-circuit-programming over USB.  This doesn't avoid the problem of needing a BDM to do the initial programming but does allow later updates without a bdm.

A version for the JM16CLC is also provided as well as one suitable for JM16/32/60CLD.


Message Edited by pgo on 2008-08-14 09:43 AM

Message Edited by pgo on 2008-08-14 09:44 AM

Message Edited by pgo on 2008-08-14 09:46 AM

Message Edited by pgo on 2008-08-14 09:49 AM

Message Edited by t.dowe on 2009-09-23 09:59 AM
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1,368 次查看
Contributor II
Any idea what needs to be changed to make it work with the MCF51xx flexis parts?

The new Codewarrior v6.2 includes Open Source drivers for these parts, but it does not work with the existing OSBDM.

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1,368 次查看
Contributor II

You are doing some amazing work with the OSBDM / TBDML combo device.

Have you tested your new code with CW 6.2?  They now have OSBDM support for the CF51 flexis parts.  I get errors when downloading the program to the device with my current osbdm.

Thanks again for all your work.
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