Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Version 4.2.0

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Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Version 4.2.0

Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors Version 4.2.0




Product Release Announcement

Automotive Processing

NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox

for S32K1xx – version 4.2.0



Austin, Texas, USA

July 20, 2020

The Automotive Processing, Model-Based Design Tools Team at NXP Semiconductors, is pleased to announce the release of the Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.2.0. This release supports automatic code generation for S32K1xx peripherals and applications prototyping from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP S32K1xx Automotive Microprocessors. This new release adds support for S32K142W and S32K144W, Battery Management Systems (support for MC3377xB), EEEPROM R/W operations, integration with Simulink Motor Control Blockset and Battery Management System Toolbox, new community requested features (like I2C multi transfer block, S32Design Studio importer for Simulink models, LIN CRC configuration) and many other various new functionalities to help customers with rapid prototyping with NXP S32K microcontrollers.


FlexNet Location:


Activation link:


Technical Support:

NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx issues are tracked through NXP Model-Based Design Tools Community space.



Release Content

  • Automatic C code generation based on S32K SDK 4.0.0 RTM drivers from MATLAB® for NXP all S32K1xx derivatives:
    • S32K142W MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*new)
    • S32K144W MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*new)
    • S32K116 MCU Packages with 32QFN and 48LQFP (*updated)
    • S32K118 MCU Packages with 48/64 LQFP (*updated)
    • S32K142 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP (*updated)
    • S32K144 MCU Packages with 48/64/100LQFP and 100BGA (*updated)
    • S32K146 MCU Packages with 64/100/144LQFP and 100BGA (*updated)
    • S32K148 MCU Packages with 144/176LQFP and 100BGA/QFP (*updated)
    • Multiple options for packages and clock frequencies are available via Model-Based Design Toolbox S32K Simulink main configuration block



  • Battery Management System (BMS) support for MC3377xB – examples, documentation and FreeMASTER UI are available

Special Simulink Blocks have been added to simplify the way a user can initialize such a controller, read vital parameters (like cell voltage, stack voltage, temperature, current) and manage the whole system. The entire suite of blocks is easily integrated within the new Battery Management Toolbox from Mathworks, so users can leverage these algorithms on top of our blocks.pastedImage_6.jpgpastedImage_7.jpg

  • Integrates the Automotive Math and Motor Control Library release 1.1.21 for:
    • S32K11x based on ARM M0+ cores;
    • S32K14x based on ARM M4F cores;


  • Multiple S32K1xx peripheral support. The peripheral coverage for each of the S32K1xx derivatives is shown below:  















  • Added support for EEEPROM

These blocks allow users to make read/write operations to non-volatile memory (useful in applications that require parameters/states to be saved even when powered-off):


  • Updated Motor Control support

New examples added for the following parts:

-     MCSXTE2BK142

-     S32K11XEVBM

-     XS32K14WEVB

Additionally, Motor Control blocks can be easily integrated with the Motor Control Blockset from Mathworks, so users can leverage these algorithms on top of our existing blocks.


  • Extended support for MATLAB versions

We extended support for our toolbox to cover a wider range of MATLAB releases – starting from R2016a and going up to R2020a. This way we want to avoid locking out users that have constraints regarding MATLAB versions.


  • New community-requested features

In our efforts to make  NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox for S32K1xx version 4.2.0 fit the needs of the users, we have added the following requested features/updates:

-     Added new I2C multi transfer block

-     S32 Design Studio importer functionality extended for referenced models projects

-     Updated LIN blocks to add CRC type configuration

-     Updated ADC blocks to enable auto-calibration


  • 100% S32K1xx supported peripheral coverage with examples.

Approximatively 300 examples available as part of the toolbox that exercise all the functionalities supportedpastedImage_18.pngpastedImage_19.png


For more details, features and how to use the new functionalities, please refer to the Release Notes document attached.


MATLAB® Integration

The NXP Model-Based Design Toolbox extends the MATLAB® and Simulink® experience by allowing customers to evaluate and use NXP’s S32K1xx MCUs and evaluation boards solutions out-of-the-box with:



Target Audience

This release (4.2.0) is intended for technology demonstration, evaluation purposes and prototyping for S32K116, S32K118, S32K142, S32K144, S32K146, S32K148, S32K142W and S32K144W MCUs and Evaluation Boards.


Useful Resources

Examples, Trainings and Support:



‎07-21-2020 02:26 AM