NXP FTF 2016 - トレーニングプレゼンテーション

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NXP FTF 2016 - Training Presentations


The Internet of Tomorrow surrounds us with electronic solutions connected to the cloud. We must be confident they operate safely, securely and with the highest quality and reliability. The autonomous vehicle is the ultimate connected device. This session will highlight 66 critical differences that may exist between automotive and consumer components as identified by an industry expert workgroup that impact reliability, quality and the lifetime of vehicles. This overview of potential differences across markets might be the ideal tool to guide customers in their component selection. NXP is the leader in Automotive, security and connectivity as well as in highest-end computer Networking. We will demonstrate how NXP’s capabilities across product segments and performance ranges addresses many of your hidden risks and providing an excellent starting point towards your connected solutions. Watch Video Presentation
This session will provide an overview of NXP automotive sensors for airbags, TPMS, ABS, engine management and other safety and comfort applications.  Watch Video Presentation
About a decade ago, NXP introduced its first generation Near Field Magnetic Induction (NFMI) radio, to help connecting hearing impaired persons with the digital world. Today, besides medical applications, NFMI is also being used in consumer devices to reduce power consumption and not be affected by body tissue absorption. NXP NFMI allows for hearable and wearable devices that can fit inside an ear canal or be worn on the body. Power levels are low enough to run for a week on a single ZnAir battery. Applications include truly wireless earbuds, implantable electronics, body area networks, under water communication devices, and many other low power.
Get a deep dive into the brand new Vulkan API from Khronos. Learn how the programming paradigms have changed from OpenGL ES, how to use Vulkan API and its enormous performance advantages, and how to unlock the full potential of i.MX 8 series GPUs. Watch Video Presentation
Designer have a simple way to achieve functional safety standards with NXP's functional safety microcontroller portfolio. During this session we will cover how functional safety applies to both the automotive and industrial markets and the support NXP offers in each step. Watch Video Presentation
The hottest topic in automotive design today is the concept of the eCockpit -- where all visual functions in the car are controlled across multiple screens and fully integrated for the driver’s convenience. The key technology that enables eCockpit to run on a single processor also offers new capabilities in industrial, embedded and consumer products such as drones, manufacturing HMI interfaces and smart displays. This class will cover the fundamental technologies and architectural techniques in the i.MX 8 processor which enables rich eCockpit functionality, how NXP has implemented the world’s most significant full chip virtualization capabilities in an ARM-based processor and breaks down the eCockpit demo from the Tech Lab.  Watch Video Presentation
This presentation will look at the lessons learned from vehicle hacks and introduce a whole vehicle multi-layered approach to automotive security. In 2015, automotive security was rarely far from the headlines of technical and public media, with a number of very public hacks of some major vehicle brands. The result was a renewed focus on vehicle security. There will be an introduction to the NXP portfolio of automotive products from microcontrollers, secure transceivers and secure elements and how they all fit together to offer a complete security solution for connected vehicles today and tomorrow.
Learn about the exciting new Network Function Virtualization use case driving enterprise OEMs and service provider Cloud and premises architectures. Understand the new NXP open standard and optimized NFV system solutions which offers best performance-per-watt. And realize how this NFV software suite, combined with NXP processors, will protect customer CAPEX/OPEX, speed deployment time to market and enable new customer revenue streams.
If you may risk a dead battery in your Smartphone, table PC, or digital smart watch, or you get tangled up with the wrong charger cord on your nightstand or office desk, the simplicity of a wire-less charger is your dream come true! But wireless chargers need a lot of technology and are not created equal. NXP's family of Transmitter and Receiver components offer solutions for both the Qi and Rezence standards. We take a look at both and offer some practical hardware solutions to cut that cord. Watch Video Presentation
The two big topics in automotive electronics development in the last five years has been functional safety and security. Sometimes these terms are used synonymously, sometimes completely separately. This thought provoking presentation will explore where the two topics overlap, where they result in contradictory requirements, and indeed whether they are complementary. Watch Video Presentation
During this course we will review how to use the new analog Freedom board FRDM-12XSF available for 12V eXtreme Switch devices thanks to the analog Processor Expert software and Kinetis Design Studio component. This training will cover full system enablement from hardware (MCU + analog), software (MCU agnostic) perspectives and demonstrate how to quickly drive different type of loads (resistive, inductive and capacitive). Thanks to its processor eXpert component, the interaction between MCU, sensor and our device will be facilitate, this training will cover different exercise to make the trainee fully enabled.
Automotive applications based on modern processor technology require more complex hardware design than traditional microcontroller solutions: volatile and non-volatile memories are provided external to the device and multiple power supplies are required. This session provides a guide to developing a hardware platform using the S32V234 processor as an example. Topics covered include: power supply design considerations, memory layout and technology, camera and display connectivity, fast interface technology and serial bus physical interfaces. Watch Video Presentation
With the very public hacks of some major vehicle brands in 2015, there is a renewed focus on vehicle security. There is a large range of vehicle electrical architectures, with significant regional variations, but there is an acceleration towards a domain orientated secure network. This presentation will look at the growing importance of the central gateway in a world of increased connectivity and security. As Ethernet becomes more prevalent, the topic of IP routing & firewall will be introduced and its role in adding another security layer. Finally, the role of the central gateway in enabling OTA software updated beyond the telematics unit, to the entire network will be presented.
Today’s designers are facing ever increasing challenges to protect their intellectual property and products from counterfeiting or unauthorized access. To help customers better understand the solutions offered by NXP, Future’s System Design Center has designed a Secure Access Demo board to showcase the capabilities of the LPC43S57, a microcontroller with integrated security, and the A700X, a tamper resistant secure MCU solution. This class will present an overview of the architecture of a secured system and provide an introduction to the secured elements from NXP. Watch Video Presentation
Learn how to easily drive powerful three-phase brushless DC (BLDC) motors which require large field effect transistors (FET). This training will cover how to quickly use a three-phase pre-driver IC in order to control a BLDC motor with protection and diagnosis as well as relevant current and voltage measurements for secure, safe, and accurate control. This course will be based on KDS, Processor Expert MCU agnostic analog software component, and complete Freedom development platform including MCU FRDM-KV10Z, 3-phase FET pre-driver expansion board FRDM-GD3000EVB and a power stage accessory board FRDM-PWRSTG1EVB. All participants will receive a free hardware development kit for BLDC motor control applications support.
Learn how Qt for Device Creation may be used to create advanced user interfaces in a few simple steps. Qt is a cross-platform C++ framework that offers tools to create modern and fluid user experiences. The Qt framework may utilize the OpenGL ES capable i.MX6 or perform simplified rendering for the new i.MX7. We will take a look at Qt and use Qt for Device Creation to develop a GUI application optimized for projects requiring low power and real-time tasks which are suitable for wide-range of industrial applications, while keeping advanced security features to be used in IoT applications—all with confidence and convenience. Attendees will discover how easily it is to enable a low power device with performant GUI effects. This evolution requires virtually no changes to the software or hardware -- made possible by the Qt Framework and standardized pin-compatible computer modules from Toradex.
This session discusses how the i.MX applications processors interface with the new NXP portfolio. We will review the i.MX processor family and how they can be connected to NXP components to create complete automotive platforms. Watch Video Presentation
ODP and DPDK are open-source project that defines a standard set of APIs for data-plane to be used across the different network processor architectures. This session details how the standard DPDK and ODP APIs are being mapped to NXP data-path acceleration for specific packet processing elements (packet IO, classification, scheduling, crypto, etc.). It also propose various possible API extensions to get additional performance on NXP SoCS. This presentation will cover how the ODP and DPDK can provide the necessary infrastructure for virtualized environments.