Cortex M4 Accelerator

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Cortex M4 Accelerator

Contributor I

We are a recently established startup company, working on CGRA accelerators. (AXELERAware LLC)
The main activity of our company is to design a CGRA based accelerator which is very compact and low power, proper for any type of pipe-lined processors.
We have already tested our solutions on MIPS32 and ARM7 cores and also developed a RISC-V processor to add our CGRA accelerator solutions to it and analyzed the results in initial steps but our solutions are general and could be adapted to any processor pipeline. According to initial results, we believe using our accelerators solutions and designs in products such as Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and SOCs might effectively improve the performance without any sensible increase in chip area and power consumption.
It’s appreciated a lot to help us to contact NXP related divisions and teams to discuss our solutions and plans and see any potential cooperation opportunity.

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