pn7150 responds syntax error when send mifare authentication request

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pn7150 responds syntax error when send mifare authentication request

Contributor I

I try to realyze sequence "Reader Sequence for MIFARE Classic", described on p.52 of appnote UM10936. I got Interface Syntax Error on step, that pointed by red oval on the screen below:




I`m start NFCC in poll mode and got notification "RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF" with parameters "prot = MF_CLASSIC, intf = TAG_CMD". 81us later (I tried and another timings, from 1 to 25 ms) I send authentication request. Syntax of this message corresponds payload structure, that described on p.48 of UM10936. But I got a syntax error! I tried another syntax of command. I tried to use preload key, etc. But all my tries have one result: syntax error. Please, see screen of i2c analyzer below.


How I know by reading documentation, DH got Syntax error only in case that message or command from DH have a syntax mistake (obviously). But now I think, thats maybe not quite right.

What I`m doing wrong?



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