TagXplorer - No reader available

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TagXplorer - No reader available

6,944 次查看
Contributor I

I have spent several hours trying to connect TagXplorer with the Identiv uTrust 3700 reader, but wasn't able to make it work. I have tried running TagXplorer with both OpenJDK and Oracle Java 8. No matter what I try, the UI (and log) always shows "no reader available". 

I have already installed Identiv driver. I am using MacOS 11.1, and I have already enabled Input Monitoring for java in Security and Privacy.

Anyone had siialr issues?

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Anyone solve this issue?
I have same problem here

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Anyone solved this on Mac.  I have it all working perfect on Windows 10 by puting the Open FX Directories in the same directory as TagXplorer, but although I can get TagXplorer working on my two macs it can not see the reader.  I have tried putting the symobilc link to the drivers in the same directory as TagXplorer but no luck.  I can see the reader plugged in the devices on the USB. 

Seems like the same problem as all those above - running 12.5 on a 64 Intel.

Atached screen shot of the Mac directory running from.

I have put the OPen FX code in a folder in Applications and from the terminal am running the following command to successfully run TagXplorer from within the TagXplorer directory:

java --module-path /Applications/javafx-sdk/lib  --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml -jar TagXplorer-v1.2.jar


Any ideas on how you get TagXplorer to see the reader welcome



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Contributor II

I was able to get the reader in TagXplorer by running the command with sudo.

But the tags won't show up, when placing a NFC tag on the reader, the LED signals something, but in TagXplorer I'm getting the message "Tax is not available" after clicking on "Connect Tag".

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Contributor II
UPDATE: I reinstalled the drivers for the third time and now I can connect the tag. But on every action I try run (e.g. "Read NDEF") I now get the message "No supported reader available".
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Contributor II

@aaronqli @piotr_arteia 
I've now tried this on Ubuntu 20.04 and get much the same result. The steps I took were:

  • Install Ubuntu on Virtualbox
  • Install the drivers for the uTrust 3700 F, following the setup guide
  • Install Oracle Java 9 since that includes JavaFx - Check the version
  • Boot the machine -  check that the card reader is connected (see screenshot) using pcsc_scan
  • Run TagXplorer - Result is no reader connected as on MacOS





Does anyone in this thread have any other thoughts on this. I would really appreciate any advice. I'm also attached the output when running the jar.

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On Catalina, on an old 2013 Macbook Pro that I have where the reader isn't plugged through a usb Adam Elements 6 Port USB-C HUB but directly into a usb 2.0 port, and with Oracle Java 9 installed the reader is picked up immediately. The output running the jar shows the same output as above.

So , Catalina vs Big Sur perhaps? pcsctest does pick up the reader.




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6,558 次查看
Contributor I

Quick update for you guys: it works fine on my laptop with Oracle Java 11 installed (Big Sur, Macbook Pro late 2017). Perhaps the culprit is OpenJDK / JavaFX 

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Contributor II

@aaronqli thank you so much for the update.  I tried with Oracle Java 11 but it's still not showing up. What exact command did you use to run the jar? Did you reference javafx and if so which version? And finally, is the .jar TagXplorer 1.2? I would really appreciate the help, this is driving me a little nuts.

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6,586 次查看
Contributor I

Same problem here.

Up to date JDK, drivers, checked on MacOS Catalina, BigSur and on Windows Home.

The computers see the reader but TagXplorer doesn't.

@aaronqli , @WillHill , @jonmixnblend did you figure it out?

@Kan_Li , @IvanRuiz please help!


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6,572 次查看
Contributor II

@piotr_arteia no unfortunately not from my side. I'm a bit stumped.

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Contributor I

In the end I managed to do it on a Windows 10 PC.

I wasn't precise enough in my previous post. The problem on the Windows machine was that TagXplorer would not start. I successfully used the solution given here https://community.nxp.com/t5/NFC/TagXplorer-v1-2-jar-cannot-start/m-p/918596#M5608 and on the second attempt of starting the app, it acknowledged the device.

I still don't have a way to do it on a Mac.

Thanks for your replay!


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6,596 次查看
Contributor II

I have exactly the same isse @WillHill , with the same setup, but with Big Sur 11.2.3, uTrust 3700F, uTrust Drivers installed.


openjdk 15.0.2 2021-01-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 15.0.2+7)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 15.0.2+7, mixed mode, sharing)

I had to download and unquarantine JafaFX 16 to get the TagXplorer App working


I know the uTrust is installed and working fine as pcstest completes successfully with it, and I can use it with https://github.com/martinpaljak/GlobalPlatformPro just fine.

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Could you be more specific on how you got it working with JavaFX? (install + launching TagXplorer)

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Contributor I

I have the same issue,

I'm using macOS BigSur Version 11.1
Java Version 8 Update 281
I have the uTrust 3700 F plugged via USB (The light comes on it has power)
I have the drivers installed from here https://files.identiv.com/products/smart-card-readers/common-drivers/uTrust_MAC_Driver.zip
I have restarted the machine.
I have TagXplorer v1.2 running and I get the message "No Supported reader available" when I press Connect Reader and no readers are listed in the dropdown

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5,460 次查看
Contributor II

I have the exact same issue as you too.

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