Problems porting NFC Library into FRDM_K64F

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Problems porting NFC Library into FRDM_K64F

287 次查看
Contributor V

I am trying to port the NFC reader library to K64F based on webinar and document NFC-READER-K64.pdf.

There were a few discrepancies between the expected screen shots and actual which I put down to the new versions of software (it looks like the webinar was done a number of years ago) but all was pretty straight forward until I tried to import the SDK for the K64F board into the project. It looks from the document and webinar that the SDK file should appear in the main project folder and the example project (NfcrdlibEx1_BasicDiscoveryLoop). It doesn't.

When I examin the boards in the DAL folder, the one for the K64RC633 is not there either

Not sure how to proceed here. Is there a newer document available that reflects the current software build..?



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1 解答
203 次查看
Contributor V

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the very prompt reply. I don't think I am describing my problem/issue well enough.

I have imported the SDK for the FRDM64 board.

The issue I am confused about is the location of the DAL directory after the linking process.

The process described in the NFC Reader Library Porting FRDM_K64F, describes that after linking the DAL, phOsal and infs directories, they should appear in the project folder like this..


but they don't. My project folder looks like this..


The infs directory is there, but the DAL, NxpNfcRdLib and phOsal do not appear to be there. BUT I know they are there - they are just "hidden".

Is there a way to display the hidden folders..?




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6 回复数
270 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi  @MWMinor 


I would suggest you refer to below link:  NFC Reader Library Porting FRDM_K64F, I hope it helps





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243 次查看
Contributor V

Hi Daniel

Thanks for this, and working through this guide this morning, all was well until I tried linking the various NFC reader libraries. I followed the procedure for the NxpNfsRdLib, DAL, phOsal and intfs folders. The procedure appeared to work but the folders do not appear in the frdmk64f_basic_loop_discovery project folder.

This becomes an issue when attempting to edit the source files starting with phDriver_KinetisSDK.c

This file isn't under the project folder.

Your assistance would be appreciated,


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211 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @MWMinor 


This package is based on LPC1769 by default. Maybe you need to select your own board.  (boardselection.h)







0 项奖励
209 次查看
Contributor V

Hi Daniel

The issue is more of the DAL directory seems to be in the correct place (after linking) but when looking at the project explorer, is only displayed in the workspace and not under the project itself.

It is as though it is "hidden"...

Is there a way to display "hidden" directories.



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207 次查看
NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi @MWMinor :

This file is in Frdm_k64 SDK.

You can download this SDK and drag it into your IDE    -  "installed SDK",  as below picture shows.




You can download the SDK for FRDMK64F from below link





0 项奖励
204 次查看
Contributor V

Hi Daniel

Thanks for the very prompt reply. I don't think I am describing my problem/issue well enough.

I have imported the SDK for the FRDM64 board.

The issue I am confused about is the location of the DAL directory after the linking process.

The process described in the NFC Reader Library Porting FRDM_K64F, describes that after linking the DAL, phOsal and infs directories, they should appear in the project folder like this..


but they don't. My project folder looks like this..


The infs directory is there, but the DAL, NxpNfcRdLib and phOsal do not appear to be there. BUT I know they are there - they are just "hidden".

Is there a way to display the hidden folders..?



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