NTAG emulation using NFC front-end

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NTAG emulation using NFC front-end

Contributor II


I am developing my own NFC tag. At this stage I want to emulate the NTAG213 with custom hardware attached to it.
I have chosen the PN512 NFC front-end, which offers many opportunities for future development. Can you confirm, that:
-Is the PN512 capable of emulating NFC type 2 tag? In PNEV512B Quick Startup Guide there is only a T4T (tag type 4) example, in PN512 datasheet there is no info about, but there is a T2T example for the Raspberry PI (see AN11480).
-Does the PN512 in the card emulation mode work similar to NTAG I2C plus? Which one will be more suitable for a system with an MCU attached to the NFC part? Which one you suggest me to use? 

-I am right, that the NTAG I2C has the NFC stack already implemented, while the PN512 needs a custom stack implementation?

1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport


-Is the PN512 capable of emulating NFC type 2 tag? In PNEV512B Quick Startup Guide there is only a T4T (tag type 4) example, in PN512 datasheet there is no info about, but there is a T2T example for the Raspberry PI (see AN11480).

- Yes, it supports.

-Does the PN512 in the card emulation mode work similar to NTAG I2C plus? Which one will be more suitable for a system with an MCU attached to the NFC part? Which one you suggest me to use? 

- Yes, it does, but I would recommend using NTAG I2C directly if you just need functions of NTAG I2C.

-I am right, that the NTAG I2C has the NFC stack already implemented, while the PN512 needs a custom stack implementation?

- Actually NTAG I2C has all  functions implemented in its hardware, while PN512 still needs a software stack running on the host controller to behave as expected. 

Have a great day,

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