NDEF writing error through I2C interface

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NDEF writing error through I2C interface

Contributor IV


We have a problem of writing NDEF message to NTAG I2C through I2C Interface from BLE IC.

When we write NDEF message to EEPROM through NFC Interface using NTAG I2C Demo application, The writing is OK and then if we tap NFC phone to ESL tag, it works well showing the internet website as we wrote to NDEF message.

However, After we wrote NDEF message to EEPROM through I2C interface. When we tap NFC phone with NTAG I2C Demo app to ESL Tag, It shows "TAG unknown" error message on the screen.


What we found out is that the content of 03h(CC) between them are different.

In case of writing NDEF message through NFC Interface,

The content of 03h(CC) has a specific number.

When it comes to writing NDEF message through I2C interface,

The content of 03h(CC) are all zero( 00:00:00:00)

Let me attach the picture of the Memory content for your refer.


Did we miss something when we write NDEF message through I2C interface?

Please let us know how to fix the issue. 


Thanks you,


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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Hi Andy,


Hope you are doing well. Could you make a full scan with NFC TagInfo by NXP? Please share the memory content of your two scenarios: NFC and I2C writing.

Also, do you have a logical analyzer to see if your BLE IC is accessing correctly to the tag memory?


Best Regards,


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