Connected tags explorer board

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Connected tags explorer board

Contributor I

IS this real?

Why would anyone put out such an important tool that does not work out of the box?

Why aren't these explorer boards already pre-loaded with something that makes them work?

Of all the posts I have read, no matter what, you have to go and buy an LPC-LINK 2 in order to get any code into this board so there's another purchase.

I fear any instructions to load any binary into this thing wont work or are not clear enough to be of any use...

What a shame!  I expected better from NXP...  Maybe I need to make a few phone calls...

Who is in charge of this product?

ScreenHunter 42.jpg

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1 Reply

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Dear David Nyberg,

Thank you for your valuable feedback.

Main objective of the Explorer Kit– as the name might indicate – is exploring the features of NTAG I2C plus.


It should work like this:


  •            Take the kit Field detect board to check that NFC is enabled and to find the location of the antenna of your NFC phone
  •           Tap your phone to the connected antenna board of the Explorer Kit. You will get redirected to google playstore automatically to download the App.
  •           Play around with the features of NTAG I²C plus like on the demo tab you canEnable the display
    •           Enabled the temperature sensor
    •           Change the color of the LED
    •           Press the colored buttons
  •           On the NDEF tab you can easily read/write NDEF messages.
  •           On the SPEED tab you can test the performance
  •           On the CONFIG tab you can explore all the configuration and registers of the tag.


In the complete blister package you find an additional flex antenna and 10 free samples.


Of course this kit can also be used for your own prototype. In case our LPC11U24 microcontroller fulfills your needs, you can for sure easily get the LPC-link kit from the same source you got the kit. If you would like to use a different microcontroller, just connect one of the antenna boards to yours and get started.


There is a wide selection of debug probes that enable software development and debugging for developers on embedded processors. Developers can choose in wide variety by their own preference. Explorer Kit was build to use LPC-Link2 debug probe with as less effort as possible. This is done through SWD connectors and support for lpc11u24 MCU, which LPC-Link2 offers. Please see below link for details on LPC_Link2 and also you are available to buy and order:


One last hint: we got quite some valuable feedback since the release of this kit last year. So we are planning to update the complete customer development kit by mid of this year, which will include several improvements of Android App, PC App and Peek & Poke software.

In addition to the explorer kit we will release an Arduino Antenna board with use case specific code snippets.

Best regards,


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