Can't access NTAG I²C plus chip (NT3H2211) by µC via I²C

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Can't access NTAG I²C plus chip (NT3H2211) by µC via I²C

Contributor I

The read access to the NT3H2211 chip fails already on slave address level (NAK received, like no chip is connected), but physical interface seems to be ok. I can communicate (read access) to PCT2075 (temp. sensor), PCF8574 (I/O expander) and also to another NFC tag (ST25DVxx). Is there some special setup from the NFC side required? My test hardware setup also didn't work with the flex antenna out of the OM5569 explorer kit (same NFC chip). Please see also the attached scope screenshot.

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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Dear Michael Mathias,

Hope you are doing great, first I would like to know if you are using a custom board  or the evaluation board in NTAG I2C plus kit for Arduino® pinout | NXP  for example, also if there is a way you can test this NTAG i2c using one of our board to confirm there is nothing wrong either with the design or the NTAG I2C   also if you are following the recommendations in the following Application note How to use the NTAG I²C plus for bidirectional communication.



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Contributor I

Hi Jonathan,

I'm using a custom board already including the PCT2075 I²C temp.-sensor (all working fine). A four line wired interface (VCC, GND, SCL, SDA) has been added to the board to connect different NFC Chips with I²C Interface. This generic interface works well with the PCF8574 (I/O extender), but not with any board I tried with an NT3H2211 chip. I used the PCB antenna board and also the flex class 6 antenna board out of the OM5569/NT322E NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit. Both antenna boards are working well within the kit! As you can see in the above screen-shot the I²C communication is stopped already after writing the address (NACK received). So don't know what's going wrong here, because in principle the (HW) test setup is working with a number of I²C chips. Also an alternative NFC chip from ST is working fine (ST25..), so I'm close to the point to stop the investigation of the NXP chip and to switch over to the ST part ... 

Best regards


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

Dear Michael Mathias,

Hope you are doing great, please let me know if you ate setting up the slave address in a correct way, also please check our examples in KSDK so you check the correct procedure to follow my apologies for this inconvenience but since you are using a custom hardware and not much information on how are you trying to talk to the NTAG I2C or the connections  is hard to determine the root cause of the problem. hopefully you have a chance to share information either here or through direct message for more private environment.



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Contributor I

Hi Jonathan,


I’ve used the LPC11xx Keil CMSIS examples code (see driver file header below):


*   $Id:: i2c.c 9374 2012-04-19 22:58:18Z nxp41306                         $

*   Project: NXP LPC11xx I2C example


And again, this code works well (and on the same hardware interface connector) with other I²C components (from NXP and others); and also the slave-address (0xAB for read, as you can see in the scope screen-shot) is working correct in combination with the NXP kit and i.e. the Peak and Poke software (if run the search for address function).


So, is there something special to be setup for the I²C interface on the NXP NFC chips to get them working (responding with ACK to correct slave-address) compared to other I²C chips from NXP? I’m really sure that the pure hardware interface is working well (as by the mentioned results above), so it must be something out of the software/appl. are. 

Best regards


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NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

since this is a custom board is hard to tell why is this happening  my recommendation would be you see how the I2c is setup in the example 

inside the  void Setup() please check the 

// Setup Pins on the microcontroller


i2cHandleMaster = HAL_I2C_InitDevice(HAL_I2C_INIT_DEFAULT);

and check the setup. my apologies for the inconvenience this might mean to you.



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