"An error occurred while calling into the SIL or PIL target connectivity implementation."

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"An error occurred while calling into the SIL or PIL target connectivity implementation."

Contributor II


I am using MPC5775E Evaluation Board to implement PIL in Simulink. When the Task Profiling option turned of I can run and download the algorithm to the evaluation board. But when I turn on the Task profiling option to see execution time and CPU usage report I get an error as written below. Please let me know if you have suggestion for this error message. 


Error:An error occurred while calling into the SIL or PIL target connectivity implementation.
Caused by:
Error(s) encountered while building "PIL_example_rm"

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1 Reply

NXP TechSupport
NXP TechSupport

please see below updates we got over SFDC from DFAE...
@mariuslucianand, could you please help to handles this?

Thanks and best regards,


Please help review the attached error dump. Does the 574x showing below looks right? We are using the MPC5775 target.

BTW, here is the feedback from a Mathworks FAE:


I have tried running both SIL and PIL on the ST Nucleo board that I have but have not run into the issue.

One piece of information from the log files you provided point towards the template makefile from the NXP MBD Toolbox:

The build log states that the generated makefile "PIL_example_rm.mk" on line 722 is throwing the error "*** multiple target patterns. Stop."

The error message "An error occurred while calling into the SIL or PIL target connectivity implementation" is a little confusing but is really saying that the makefile errored out.

The makefile is generated by the template makefile "mbd_mpc574x.tmf" which seems to be made by NXP.

Since that file was not created by MathWorks you will need to get in contact with NXP support for additional debugging. However, seeing as the issue only pops up when generating a report I would like to keep this thread open to see if there is anything else we can feed back to our support/development teams that might give additional information on how things are integrating with our tools.


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