can_Message.h not found

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can_Message.h not found

Contributor II

Hello NXP,

I build model in MATLAB where I use CAN_unpack block and it run, but when I tried to integrate this MATLAB generated code into S32 IDE for ARM then it show error like 'can_message.h file not found'.  Even I try to find can_message.h file in MATLAB directory but I'm not getting it.

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3 Replies

NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @saurabhkulkarni123 

The can_message.h is an internal MATLAB file which can be found inside the MATLAB installation folder. It is not present in the folder containing the application generated code and this is why you are not able to locate it by searching for it in the location where you have built your model.

After importing your Simulink generated code to S32DS, could you please try to add the specific MATLAB location inside the S32DS project settings so that the compiler could locate the file? For this, you should right click on the project and access the Properties option which will open the following tab, where, inside the C/C++ Build -> Settings, you could add the corresponding path in the list of Includes:


Depending on the MATLAB release you are using, this location of can_message.h might be different, but you could search inside the folder for it and add the corresponding path as illustrated above. The attached screenshot targets MATLAB R2021a. After adding the path, you could try rebuild the project inside S32DS.

Please let us know if this solves your problem.

Thank you,


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Contributor II

Hello @Irina_Costachescu ,

I follow the process as what you mentioned in message and it works. Now I'm getting another error which is like 'undefined round or floor'. I'm attaching this error please see it once and please let us know how can I solve it?

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee

Hi @saurabhkulkarni123 

The errors you are currently encountering are related to functions from the libm.a library (standard C library of basic mathematical functions), which seems to be missing in your current configuration. Could you please check inside the project Properties for the Libraries used during the linking process? You should have the libm.a entry in the list, as illustrated below.


In case it does not exist, could you please try and add it and rebuild the project?

If that does not solve the problem either, could you please send us your project so that we could furtherly investigate? For sharing the project please note that you could also consider the option of sending it via a private NXP Community message.




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