Error encountered when creating PIL block for a simulink model with Motor control toolbox

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Error encountered when creating PIL block for a simulink model with Motor control toolbox

Contributor I

I intended to do PIL for my Simulink model.

I created a template model ForPILCreate_Template.sltx, in which there is only one block MCD_MC9S12ZVMx_Config_Information inside. In this template model, all the configurations that are required for creating the PIL block are implemented.

Then I started the test.

Step 1, I created an empty model based on the template ForPILCreate_Template.sltx, saved it as simple_select_fun_example.slx.

Step2, In the model simple_select_fun_example.slx, I added the subsystem select_fun_subsys which needs to be tested, and also its corresponding inports & outports.

Step3, In the Toolbar, I clicked the button “Build” to start the process of creating a PIL block for model simple_select_fun_example.slx.

Step4, Finally, the build procedure finished. Although a PIL block was created, there are warning messages prompted in the Diagnostic Viewer. For detailed error information, please refer to the attached file “simple_select_fun_example_build_20190705_085636.txt”, see line50~line52 and line56~line62.

Would you please help me to figure out what does the error message mean? And how shall I solve it?

Thank you!

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NXP Employee
NXP Employee


The toolbox tries to download the application to the board but fails, returning that exception.

When you run PIL simulation uncheck the Enable Download Code after Build option in Configuration Parameters -> Code Generation -> PIL and Download Config, and check the Enable PIL Mode Download option.


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